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Q: Can electric eels electrocute themselves
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Do electric eels get electrified?

Electric eels have been known to shock themselves sometimes, so yes, electric eels do sometimes get electrified.

Why don't electric eels electrocute the whole sea?

Electric eels are freshwater fish only found in the amazon. They can't go anywhere NEAR saltwater. Also the charge they emit from their bodies doesn't provide enough current to affect much more than what they touch.

What is the difference between electric eels and moray eels?

electric eels have an electric current that shocks thing Moray eels dont

What is the words blend for electrocute?

It contains electricity + execute <<<<<< electrocute <<<< electric shock

Are electric eels in Canada?

no. electric eels live in the amazon

Do electric eels migrate or hibernate?

yes electric eels migrate

How do electric eels their food?

electric eels get their food by their shocking ability.

What animal can produce an electric current?

There are eels that can produce an electric shock. They are called electric eels.

Do electric eels have electricity?

Eels have electricity.

Where do electric eels sleep?

Electric eels sleep in the water that they are living in. These eels will typically sleep in dark underwater coves.

What is an electric eels scientific name?

an electric eels scientific name is electropharus electricus

What eat electric eels?

No water animals eats the electric eels since electric eels have very powerful shocks that can paralyze or hurt anything that gets its way. Humans have been known to eat electric eels on very rare occasions.