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Typically, elephants have only one baby at a time. But over a lifetime, a female elephant can have up to six babies.

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yeah i mean yes

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Yes. Baby elephants are called calves.

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Q: Can elephants give birth to more than one calf?
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Is it possible for a young cow to give birth to a second calf a week or more after the first calf is born?

On rare occasions, yes.

Will a cow give birth more often if her calf is weaned early?

No. Time of weaning does not affect the length of gestation in a cow.

Can a polled beef cow give birth to a horned calf?

Yes. A polled beef cow that is more than likely heterozygous for the horned gene, and the sire that could have been horned or also heterozygous for horns is more than likely to produce a horned calf.

How long does it take for a cow or heifer to give birth?

It depends on the age of that cow or heifer, what position the calf is in when it enters the birth canal, and what size the calf is. Some may even say that it also depends on the sex of the calf as well. It should only take a few hours or more for the calf to start to emerge during the early stages of labour, being presentation of the water sac and the calf's front hooves. Once the water sac emerges, it usually takes from a half hour to an hour for the calf to be expelled. Most cows that have had experience will only take 10 to 30 minutes to "spit" the calf out. Cows that have been bred to a bull that does not have the genetics for easy calving tend take longer due to the fact that they have a bigger calf to push out. Heifers, on the other hand, may take several hours to give birth because of their smaller pelvic opening. Heifers that have not been bred to a calving-ease bull tend to end up with more problems, and will take longer to calve out. If a calf is not in the proper position it will also take longer, and may end up needing help from a vet or the rancher/farmer to pull the calf out and ensure the cow/heifer and calf's survival. As far as the sex of the calf is concerned, there are some claims that if a cow retains a calf for longer or takes longer to give birth the calf's a bull calf; the opposite is true if it's a heifer. Not sure if this has any scientific merit, or if it's just some old wive's tales.

What weighs more the male or female Holstein calf?

The male calf is always known to be heavier than females. Heifer calves (Holstein) are known to have a birth weight of approximately 80 pounds whereas the bull calf can weigh about 90 pounds at birth. This weight can differ between each calf depending on genetics of the parents and growth of the calf while in the womb.

What is the weight of a charolais calf?

At birth, a Charolais calf averages around 60 lbs; some more, some less, depending on the birthweight value of the sire and the age of the dam.

How long does it take for an elephant to develop?

Elephants gestate for some 22 months, and it takes a couple of years and more for a calf to learn enough to survive as an "adult" animal.

How many young ones are given birth by a cow and hen?

Cows seldom have more than one calf at a time (Less than 10% of all calf births are twins, and triplets are incredibly rare; rare enough to warrant a newspaper story about it.)Hens don't "give birth" at all, they lay eggs, but it's rare for a hen to lay more than one egg per day.

Is birth an verb?

It can be, though "to give birth to" is more common.

Does sex of calve make any difference to gestation period of a cow?

No I don't think so. The sex of a calf can often determine how hard it is going to be to give birth: bull calves often give heifers and some cows more trouble than heifer calves.

Where do gray whales give birth to their young?

Yes. Breeding behavior is complex and often involves three or more gray whales. The Gestation period is about one year, and females reproduce biennially. The calf is born tail first, and measures about 4 meters in length at birth. The Gray Whales give birth to their young in shallow lagoon waters. This is done to protect the newborn from predators like sharks and orcas

Why do rhinos chase away there older calf just because a new calf is born?

This is called "weaning." When a rhino cow gives birth to her new calf, she doesn't want her older calf around to take away the milk that her new calf is in more need of than her older calf, and the older calf may hurt its new sibling out of spite. So the rhino cow has to drive the older calf away and start getting him/her to learn to live on their own.