

Can energy create particles

Updated: 8/20/2019
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12y ago

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If enough is concentrated matter can be created from energy.

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Q: Can energy create particles
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Energy created by a moving particles?

There is no such thing. The fact that particles move doesn't create any energy.

When tiny particles are released from an atom to create energy which type of energy is this light heat electrical solar?


How do stars create their energy?

particles come together by the gravitational force. hydrogen occures and while this is happening the energy is created

Is a particle accelerator used to accelerate particles at high speeds until the particles fuse together and create a new elements?

Not exactly.Accelerate particles to high speeds: yes.Create new elements: it is not new elements, but new particles that are created.Fuse together: this is not so much about particles fusing together; rather, the new particles are created from the energy of the impact. Remember that every energy has a mass equivalent. For example, the LHC is planned to increase its energy to 6.5 TeV per beam, meaning that two particles - two protons for example - will collide at a combined energy of 13 TeV. This corresponds to a mass of about 14,000 protons. This makes it possible to create new particles, including particles that are quite massive.

How does a superconductor minimize its losses?

One feature of the universe is that energy can only be transferred (via exchange particles, or "virtual particles") in discrete units. In the quantum world, by definition, there is no such thing as "half" an exchange particle. In a normal conductor, the ambient heat, plus the energy of moving electrons, is enough to create exchange particles. These hit the conductor lattice and are turned to heat. (Emitting exchange particles is the quantum way particles "bump" off of things). In a superconductor, it is so cold, there is almost no thermal energy. There is no heat present to "help" with the creation of these exchange particles. When added to the energy of the electron's flow, there is still not enough energy to create an exchange particle, so the electron can't spend any energy. You could say that the electrons "bump" off the lattice, but nothing is exchanged, so the electrons continue on with the same amount of energy. The one exception is when the electrical current gets higher -- then, the increase electron energy can actually start creating exchange particles, which then create heat, which provides enough energy to help other electrons create exchange particles, and so-on, and whammo, suddenly you have a warm ex-superconductor.

How are heat and temperature alike and different?

Temperature is the measurement of the average kinetic energy (energy of motion) of particles in a specific matter, while heat is scientifically stated as a form of energy transfer due to difference in temperature, causing particles to create friction.

Tiny particles released by atoms create what type of energy?

An erg is a unit of energy equal to 10-7 joules.

What is the energy of moving particles in a subatnce?

The energy moving in particles in a substance is thermal energy

What happens when particles crash together?

The answer depends on the nature of the particles and the energy of the collision. Large uncharged particles (eg billiard balls in a typical mechanics problem), colliding with moderate amounts of energy will probably bounce off one another. Their behaviour after impact will obey Newton's laws of Motion. A collisoin with more energy might result in one or both particles breaking.An electron colliding with a proton will leave a neutron and a release of energy in the form of a photon. Collisions between protons will create a range of other sub-atomic particles - the exact particles will depend on the energy of the colliding protons.

Which has less kinetic energy warmer particles or cooler particles?

Cooler particles have less kinetic energy.

How does adding energy to matter affect the energy of its particles?

The energy will increase and the particles will speed up.

The kinetic energy of a substance is the what kinetic energy of its particles?

The kinetic energy of a substance is the average kinetic energy of its particles.