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Q: Can finches and love birds eat the same grit?
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Are canary birds the same as bugdie birds?

No. Canaries are finches, and budgies are small members of the parrot family.

Can cordon blue finches be in the same cage with zebra finches?

O Zebra finches are social birds and should never be kept alone unless they are being quarantined for an illness or a new aquire...

Are finches some kind of parakeet?

No. Finches and parakeets are both commonly kept as pets, but they are not closely related. There are many different species of finch and parakeet, but they are not the same thing. Finches are of the taxonomic order Passeriformes (perching birds) and parakeets are of the taxonomic order Psittaciformes (parrots).

Do all finches have the same beak depth?

do all finches have the same beak.

Darwin thought the birds he collected from the Galapagos were different types of birds but he learned that they were different types of finches that each came from a different island in the Galapagos.?

Darwin discovered that the finches were once the same species. Due to isolation, each island produced variations of the original finch species.

Can you mate the same breed of birds?

Yes, you can mate the same breed of birds. Some popular breeds of birds that are good to breed include canaries, love birds, and parrots.

How did the finches help Darwin to formulate his theory of natural selection and evolution?

There were many islands and finches on each. The finches did not fly from their home island to other islands. Different islands had different food for the finches. Darwin noticed that where there were plenty of honeysuckle flowers for the birds to feed on, the finches there had long beaks. On islands where the best bird-food was small seeds, the finches had beaks more like canary beaks, short and strong. Darwin also noticed that the finches were all from the same original flock and had probably mixed up when the islands were closer together and they could fly to any island to feed. So Darwin concluded that when the finches became isolated on different islands, their beaks evolved to be most suitable for eating the food available. The birds with the wrong beaks died young and had few chicks and these chicks unfortunately for them inherited their parents silly beaks. The birds with the right beaks fed well and had lots of chicks who inherited good beaks. So eventually nearly all the finches on any given island had the most suitably shaped beaks.

How do you separate salt from grit salt?

Salt and grit salt are exactly the same, so you don't.

Does a bird make a good pet?

it depends the type of bird see finches are just to look at and listen to same with canarys parrots and love birds if you live alone and have time for it there great because they get attached to one person but cockateil makes usually a good pet for any type of person

What is the relationship between a finch and a mockingbird in the wild?

In the wild, finches and mockingbirds are both songbirds that may share the same habitats. While they may compete for resources like food and nesting sites, they typically coexist peacefully without direct conflict. However, mockingbirds may display aggressive behaviors to protect their territories from other birds, including finches.

How do love birds lay eggs?

same way any other bird does

Is it normal for a female budgie to eat the sandpaper at the bottom of her cage?

Most seed eating birds require grit of some form in their diet. It is used in their gizzard to grind against the seeds to break them down. If no other grit is available to your bird she is using the sand from the sand paper for the same purpose. Female birds alo need a source of Calcium in order to make shells for their eggs. Cuttlefish bone is commonly hung up in the cage for this purpose.