

Can fish have 20 babies

Updated: 12/13/2022
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13y ago

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of course they can! usually fish have 100 babies and only 20 survive!!!!!

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Q: Can fish have 20 babies
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Fish don't even have babies. Fish lay eggs, so no.

When does a fish have babies?

Depends on the type of fish

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If there is a male and female beta fish, the male probably ate them, and those 2 unlucky babies were definitely male. (male beta fish will kill other fish.)

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i think they have babies when they are old enough and find a you know like that............and after that they have babies in the sea and they maybe born them in their house on a cave or out on the shore i guess..........

How many Baby fish survive?

Our fish had about 30 babies. The mama didn't eat them but we separated the ones that were still alive from her, about 20, right now only 2 are still alive. :(

What does a fish do when they have babies?

they eat them

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If the fish can find the eggs and/or babies they will eat them.

Does a female fish need a male fish to have babies?

Probly depends on WHAT fish it is

Does a fish have any babies?

Actually it depends on what kind of fish it is.

Do flying fish stay with the babies?

Some species of fish stay with their offspring, or babies. Most other fish will release eggs into the waters they live in, and the fish develop and grow on their own.

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Guppy fry are the newborn babies and guppy fish are not babies