

Can floods destroy big houses

Updated: 12/18/2022
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Q: Can floods destroy big houses
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What type of damage can floods cause?

it can destroy houses and drown people

What type of damage does floods do?

Floods destroy houses, destroys crops,and can also combine with electricity and fry chicken.

What are floods effect?

It destroy houses and community. Many people died because of flood.

What is the economic effects of floods?

Floods destroy houses, vehicles, items, property, plants/trees and other things, each of these are economic effects, as the government needs to pay to replace/fix them.

What damages can floods cause?

Some of the damages that the floods can cause is the destruction of live and property. Floods can also cause the displacement of people especially people living in the lowlands or plains.

How do typhoons affect people's lives?

Typhoons can destroy homes and buildings

What can floods do to people?

floods can kill peoplePeoples homes and buildings can be destroyed.flood can destroy people cropsflood destroy road

How do floods effect animals?

Floods can destroy their homes, environment, and food.

How do tornadoes destroy houses?

Tornadoes destroy houses by ripping them apart with extreme winds and by stiking them with debris.

How does floods change earth surface?

floods destroy everything in its path. it causes rocks to break and become new land forms later.

What do floods destroy?

The Top Soil .

How do floods earthquakes and snowstorm affect many lives?

These natural disasters can ruin many houses, destroy food sources, and kill many humans, and even animals.