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Q: Can freckles form in lines
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Are blemishes and freckles the same?

No. blemishes form. Freckles are always there. Plus I blemishes are ugly things. I love freckles

Why do you have freckles?

Freckles form from exposure to the sun, and you might have inherited the gene from your parents.

How many freckles can a person have on there face?

Freckles are not science to be put down in any way, shape or form.

Are freckles birthmarks?

Freckles are spots on the skin caused by melanin reacting with sunlight; they are completley different form birthmarks which are permanent blemishes on the skin formed before birth.

A man and a woman are both heterozygous Freckles are dominant over no freckles What are the chances their children will have freckles?

a 100% chance for freckles.

Does kesha have freckles?

Yes she does have freckles. In photos they look like real freckles.

Does christian beadles have freckles?

No, he does not have freckles.

Both a man and a woman are heterozygous for freckles Freckles F are dominant over no freckles f What is the chances that their child will have freckles?

PHENOTYPE: 75% with freckles 25% without freckles GENOTYPE: 1FF:2Ff:1ff

Are freckles dominant recessive or dominant dominant?

dominant genes for freckles

What is the meaning or significance of a cluster of freckles on the right arm It is not a birthmark it is triangular and has no other freckles around it?

You should ask a doctor about this as soon as possible. It could be nothing more than a few freckles, but it could also be a melanoma, a quite aggressive form of cancer that must be treated urgently.

Where do freckles com from?

Who cares about freckles anyway??

Are freckles infectious?

no, freckles are beautiful , they don't cause any infections nor can you "catch" freckles