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Q: Can frigile pills stop 2 days pregnancy?
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Will pregNancy stop pills stop pregnancy?

I'm sorry but I can not find anything about any pills called PregNancy stop pills. Please check for the name of the medicine again.

How do you stop 15 days pregnancy?

The only way you can stop a pregnancy after 15 days is abortion.

How can you stp a pregnancy after 3 weeks?

You can not stop it using pills. You have to do abortion.

How do you safe from pregnancy?

If you are a male, use a condom. A female, Use a femidom. Or you can take pills to stop the pregnancy.

Does loestrin20 stop pregnancy?

Birth control pills prevent pregnancy, they don't terminate it once it's a fact.

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Which pills can stop pregnancy at early stage?

A combo of Mifpristone and Misoprostol that you get from the doctor.

Can you take birth controle 5 days after sex to stop pregnancy?

No, it will not stop pregnancy after intercourse!

Do you need to stop taking the pill to get pregnant?

Yes. The pills main purpose is to prevent pregnancy.

What is the price of check up in doctor for using pills to stop pregnancy?

The whole cost for an abortion including pills and 4 visits is around $500.

How do you stop pregnancy after 6 days?

yes u can

Im on triphasil if i have 5 pills left and i stop takin them now will i get my period after three days and then start the new pack on a Sunday?

Stopping Triphasil with 5 pills left may disrupt your cycle and cause irregular bleeding. It's best to finish the pack to maintain regularity. If you choose to stop with 5 pills left, you may experience withdrawal bleeding 2-3 days after stopping. You can start the new pack on a Sunday after your period starts.