

Can fungi be used as an adjective?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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10y ago

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No. The adjective form is fungal (of or caused by a fungus).

The singular noun is fungus and the plural noun is fungi.

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Q: Can fungi be used as an adjective?
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No, Fungi can be used to make Mycoproteins which are used in many applications such as artificial meat.

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pencilin is used by fungi to kill bacteria.

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Chlorine is a non-metal. It is used to kill fungi.

What are the fungi?

the fungi are also used for the development of antibiotics. and other drugs used to control various human disease .

What types of fungi are harmful and what types are useful?

Fungi is definitely more useful than it is harmful. Yeast (which IS fungi) is used to convert sugar to alcohol in the making of beer and wine. Fungi is even used to make penicillin. Also club fungi is good for you too. The fungi that are bad for you can be Jockitch, Tiena, Candida, and ugaa

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Chlorophyll has nothing to do with fungi. Fungi is a type of simple plant that does not have any chlorophyll, which is a green pigment that is used in photosynthesis.

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Resolute can only be used as an adjective.

Why weren't pathogenic fungi used in this exercise?

There is no description of the exercise in which you are referring to. Pathogenic fungi are fungi that cause disease in humans and other organisms.

How are bacteria and fungi used by humans?

Bacteria and fungi are used for many purposes. Such purposes include food. e.g. Mushrooms, yeast, etc.

Is metallic an adjective?

it can used as a noun or as an adjective