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Q: Can gabapentin cause swelling
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Does gabapentin cause you to gain weight?

Yes..Gabapentin can cause weight gain.It causes me to eat more often and crave for sweets.

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Will taking gabapentin cause you to have shingles?

Gabapentin is a medication that treats pain caused by shingles. Shingles is the reason you have been prescribed the medication.

Can gabapentin cause drowsiness?

Yes it can. I have experienced severe drowsiness from Gabapentin and even worse from Lyrica which are, according to my doctor, in the same drug family.

Can Diet Coke cause swelling in legs?

no it can not cause swelling in your legs, but if your allergic to pop it might

Does Gabapentin cause Alzheimer's?

No, it doesn't. Nobody is certain what causes the disease, but it's not Gabapentin because that medication hasn't been around for as long as the disease has.

What would cause fluid like swelling on back of head?

A blow to the head would cause swelling.

What are gabapentin's side effects?

1) It produces psychoactive effects that cause it to have potential for recreational use. Even in low doses, gabapentin causes sensations of reduced acute pain and reduced anxiety. Larger doses can cause the user to become numb and even fully insensate. Tolerance to gabapentin occurs extremely rapidly with recreational use, with the user often needing to double the dosage within a day or two of misuse.2) Gabapentin has been associated with an increased risk of suicidal acts or violent deaths.3) Abrupt withdrawal will cause suffering.4) Gabapentin's most common side effects in adult patients include dizziness, fatigue, weight gain, drowsiness, and edema.5) In certain cases, susceptibility to mild-to-moderate mood swings, hostility, concentration problems, liver damage and hyperactivity have been observed.

What cause swelling on mustache area?

Swelling on the mustache area can be caused by an ingrown hair, or hairs if the swelling area is large. If the swelling is inside of your mouth, it may be an infection in your gums. If the problem persists, you should probably consult a doctor.

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What foods can cause swelling?

If someone is allergic to a food, like peanuts, that can cause swelling.