

Can garnet be scratched by a steel nail?

Updated: 8/21/2019
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Q: Can garnet be scratched by a steel nail?
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Can fluorite be scratched by a steel nail?

No, fluorite is harder than a steel nail and cannot be scratched by it. Fluorite typically has a Mohs hardness of 4, while steel has a Mohs hardness of 4 to 4.5.

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Yes, because talc is very soft.

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No, sulfur cannot be easily scratched by a nail because it is a relatively soft material compared to metals like iron or steel. Sulfur has a Mohs hardness of 1.5–2, while iron nails typically have a hardness of 4-5 on the Mohs scale.

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Yes, nickel is softer than steel, so it is possible for a nail to scratch nickel.

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yes itt can

What hardness does a mineral have if it scratched by glass but scratched an iron nail?

It would have to be 5.0 because glass has a hardness of 5.5 and an iron nail has the hardness of 4.5

Is a steel nail a metal?

A nail made of steel.

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what is the diffrence between a magnetised nail and a unmagnetised nail

What happens to a steel nail in Ginger Ale?

A steel nail placed in ginger ale will undergo a chemical reaction with the acidic components of the drink, such as citric acid, causing it to corrode. This process is accelerated due to the presence of carbonation in the ginger ale, which provides an environment conducive to rusting. Over time, the nail will develop a reddish-brown layer of iron oxide (rust) as it deteriorates.

A steel nail but a steel ship floats how can that be?

The steel ship has a lot of air inside. The nail is solid steel.