

Can get on this to shoot ww1?

Updated: 9/27/2023
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Q: Can get on this to shoot ww1?
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because people could just shoot the enemy, easy

How far can a ww1 pistol shoot?

30m-50m double action 15m-25m reapeter

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they couldn't shoot an elephant at this ditance in the mist of war humanity lies on a silver cross Charles

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A fire-step in the trenches of WW1 was a raised platform on which a soldier could stand and shoot over the lip of the trench. The floor of the trench would be lower than the top of the fire-step to keep the soldier's head below the lip of the trench, so giving less of a target for an enemy sniper to shoot at.

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shoot down other planes and dropped bombs and spikes on enemy trenches

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Given the maximum speed of a falling person, the height at which most WW1 aircraft flew and THEIR maximum speeds. You'd have to be darn quick!

What were dogfights like in WW1?

Very slow, close in fights with each pilot looking to shoot their enemy down with a small machine gun.

How many bullets per minute can a tank from world war 1 shoot?

I don't know but in WW1 tanks couldn't be destroyed easily and they would destroy anything in their way. the tanks that where used back then in WW1 couldn't turn it's gun all the way around so they had to turn the whole tank around

In world war 1 what were battles called between aircraft's?

Air plane battles in ww1 are calledDogfights if a fighter was skilled and had no mercy he would shoot the parachute or the man himself

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what was the ink made from in WW1

What does it mean to fire machine guns at someone on the ground from a plane?

I think it means that you are trying to shoot them. And I think the descriptive term you are looking for is Strafe. Combined with the dropping of bombs it is a form of ground attack which has been practiced since WW1.

How did London survive the attacks ww1?

There were no air attacks on London in WW1.