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Giganotosaurus carolinii lived 97 million years ago. It was a powerful predator, hunting titanosaurid andesaurus delgadoi and limaysaurus tessonei. However, it sacrificed everything else ( Speed, agility, sleek build, and most of all, pack hunting, characteristics seen in its relative mapusaurus roseae. This 95 million year old hunter hunted one of the largest animals of all time: Argentinosaurus huinculensis. For more information, enter the question 'who would win Mapusaurus or Giganotosaurus, in this very website. I also answered that question. ).

Well then, let's settle the debate. Giganotosaurus is powerful, but it sure lacked all those other charcteristics necessary for taking down the gargantuan animal ( Argentinosaurus ) that lived 2 million years after it. Its descendant, mapusaurus, who also lived at the same time of Argentinosaurus, had all the characteristics ( Especially pack hunting, for a lone mapusaurus could get itself killed in a one on one combat with argentinosaurus without the latter getting killed, or, in a smash attack, without getting wounded. Yet, a pack, a minimum of 7, can take down even the 3rd largest dinosaur ( 2nd:Bruhathkayosaurus matleyi, 1st: amphicoelias fragillimus/altus).)necessary to kill the big fat lump of living meat. So it depends which among the animals ( giganotosaurus or argentinosaurus ) is slower. after all, if argentinosaurus is fast enough to smash Giganotosaurus, or Giganotosaurus can kill the big fat lump by ripping its belly if argentinosaurus is to slow to smash. It also depends which among the animals are sick, weak, or inexperienced ( It does not matter if you are young or old, as long as you have all 3 weaknesses or none. Also, I did not consider many against one, like in mapusaurus vs giganotosaurus, for this is a one on one combat. )

But most of all Giganotosaurus will probably win.

Because you have to remember this: carnivores are smarter than dumb herbivores. Carnivores need to think of how to slaughter their prey. So, although Giganotosaurus is dumb ( as I have said in mapusaurus vs giganotosaurus ) it still has to think of how to slaughter.

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