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Q: Can golden eagles see in ultra violet?
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What is the comparison between visible light and ultra violet light?

You can see visible light but not ultra violet light.

Which animal can see in ultra violet?


Can birds see ultra violet?

some can

Can ultra-violet light kill germs?

No, but if you put on a cream you can see them.

Can you feel ultra violet?

You cannot see or feel ultraviolet radiation waves.

Do dogs and cats see things in ultra violet light?

yes in fact cats and dogs do see things in ultraviolet lightm if you are wondering what ultra violet light is it is form of radiation whitch is not visible to the human eye

Which color can Bees not see?

A bee's colour vision extends well into the ultra-violet part of the spectrum, but not so far as ours into the red end of the spectrum. Bees can also distinguish plane polarized light, which we can't.

Which fish has capability to see both infrared and UV lights?

bees and butterflies can see ultra violet

Can mosquitoes see in red light?

Bees have three types of colour receptor in their eyes, and their color sensitivities peak in the yellow-green, blue, and ultra-violet regions of the spectrum. This means that bees can see ultra-violet (which we can't), and the yellow-green receptors peak further up the spectrum that our own red-orange receptors. However, the receptors also pick up colours either side of their peak sensitivity, so it is likely that a strong enough red light will be detected, but will not be seen as well as we can see it.

What kind of radiation does a bee see?

A bee's eye has receptors for green, blue and ultra-violet, so they can see in ultra-violet, which we can't, and we can see red, which they can't.

Why is the human eye unable to see ultraviolet light?

You should look at it the other way round. The word 'ultra' means 'beyond', so you have the visible spectrum which ends at violet, then what is beyond is 'ultra violet'.

What color of flower do bees sees better?

A bee's colour vision is not the same as ours. We see colours from red to blue violet, but a bee sees colours ranging from orange-yellow to ultra violet, so are blind to red. However, a red flower may not appear black to them because it may reflect ultra violet, which we can't see. Most flowers have patterns visible in ultra violet which help guide the bees to the nectar.