

Can goldfish live in a plastic bowl with out oxygen?

Updated: 8/19/2019
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12y ago

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No. Water is oxygen to them so they need to be in water in the plastic bowl.

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Q: Can goldfish live in a plastic bowl with out oxygen?
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it will live

Where do small goldfish like to live in a glass bowl or a tank with air?

Small or Big it should be kept in a huge tank with Filter and Oxygen 10 gallons per Goldfish At least

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they can live in goldfish bowls i have always kept my beta in a goldfish bowl and my last beta lived between 4-5 years in a goldfish bowl.

Where will a goldfish live?

In a bowl with water, plants and pebbles.

Why can't a goldfish live in a bowl?

Because it does not got any water.

Can goldfish live in a bowl?

no, because they need lots of space if there ganna grow so big.

What happens when a goldfish becomes rich?

he buys a bowl and a mini castle to live in

How do you keep goldfish healthy in a bowl?

Goldfish need more space than what people may believe; one goldfish needs a 20 gallon tank, and you need an additional 10 gallons per fish after (so 2 goldfish in 30 gallons)This is not just about their potential size (which is big), but the amount of waste they produce. The old adage of inches of fish per gallon is completely incorrect when it comes to goldfish due to being high waste producers.

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No they can not as crabs will use claws to catch and harm them.

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It depends on the size of the bowl

What fish are okay in a fish bowl?

Bettas are. Goldfish really should have an aquarium if you want them to live.