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Q: Can gouramis go in a tank with flowerhorn?
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How many days will it take for a flowerhorn fish to grow big?

it depend upon on ur fish tank if big fish tank it can grow fast !!!!!!!!!!!!

Can you keep two flowerhorns in a tank?

Yes. you can keep two fishes in one tank as long as they are separated by a glass divider and the tank is 50 gallons plus in size. Some of them are not that aggressive and do tolerate other fishes including other flowerhorns. As flowerhorn community tanks are kept by flowerhorn hobbist's along with other types like Parrot, Kingkong Parrots, Oscars as well. A best way to achieve this is by getting flowerhorn fry(a lot of them) and keep them in a spacious tank with caves and places to hide in. Eventually the once that are most aggressive or dominating could be separated and we could have a bunch of flowerhorn that are tolerant to each other. Another trick is to get keep a middle sized parrot (i would prefer to keep full size parrot just my opinion) when the flowerhorn fry are brought..Parrots play nannies to them and teach them some manners. And the safest way to do so would be to put a glass/plexiglass divider. Keeping more then one Flowerhorn together depends on the comfort level these guyz would develop around each other(even if divided coz if you want them to reach their true potential will have to provide them with what makes them comfortable).

What animal eats the Halfmoon fish?

shark flowerhorn etc

What freshwater fish don't eat plants?

Many kinds, I have Cory Cats, Neon Tetras, Dwarf Gouramis and Bettas all in heavily planted aquariums. Most of the smaller fish are safer. Larger fish may not eat them but many times will uproot them or damage them while swimming. Your best bet is go to a pet store and find names of fish you like and write them down then find out about each kind on if they are the right size for your tank, what they eat, and if they will get along.

What fish can you put with a flowerhorn fish?

These things are not a naturally evolved fish so they have no "proper taxonomic name" and as such they should not exist. They were developed/bred in a Chinese laboratory from the ova (egg) of one species of South American cichlid being artificially impregnated by the sperm of a different South American species. If you must house one then treat it as you would treat any other large South American Cichlid. You can only mix them with other large South American species. Some of them are not that aggressive and do tolerate other fishes including other flowerhorns. As flowerhorn community tanks are kept by flowerhorn hobbist's along with other types like Parrot, Kingkong Parrots, Oscars as well. See Related Question below -

Related questions

If you have 2 gouramus in a 5 gallon tank how do you get your gouramis to stop fighting?

Gouramis aren't really great fish to have together unless they have room to move around (e.g. at least 5 gallons per fish). Your tank is MUCH too small to have two gouramis, they're fighting for territory. If you don't want to return one to the fish store, then you should definitly just get a bigger tank. Unless you have dwarf gouramis, you should have them in at least 20 gallons. It also depends on what kind of gouramis you have. Some are more social and are more likely to school (dwarf gouramis, pearl gouramis) whereas others prefer to be top dog (opaline gouramis, blue gouramis). Good luck!

How many days will it take for a flowerhorn fish to grow big?

it depend upon on ur fish tank if big fish tank it can grow fast !!!!!!!!!!!!

What can you put in my 55 gallon tank that would coexist with guppies mollies platys dwarf gouramis?

Bristlenose catfish

Our fish are dying. We added 2 doz fish 2 wks ago mollies gouramis etc for our 70 gal tank. 2 of existing gouramis 7 new fish died. It's not ick not overcrowding. Any suggestions?

Not enough info. Is this a new tank? Did you acclimate properly?

Can 1 dwarf gourami and 7 cardinal tetras go together in a 16 gallon tank?

Yes, I'm pretty sure that that would be okay. But don't even think about putting the tetras or gouramis in before the tank has cycled.I would put tons of live plant in the tank, too.

What is the size and lifespan of the flowerhorn fish?

The flowerhorn fish lifespan is 8-10 years.

How many angelfish and dwarf gouramis or other compatible tankmates can you fit in a 28 gallon tank?

In a freshwater tank, you don't want more than one inch of adult fish per gallon. Angelfish can grow to about 6 inches and dwarf gouramis can grow to about 3.5 inches, so your tank can fit any combination that adds up to 28 inches of fish.

Can you keep two flowerhorns in a tank?

Yes. you can keep two fishes in one tank as long as they are separated by a glass divider and the tank is 50 gallons plus in size. Some of them are not that aggressive and do tolerate other fishes including other flowerhorns. As flowerhorn community tanks are kept by flowerhorn hobbist's along with other types like Parrot, Kingkong Parrots, Oscars as well. A best way to achieve this is by getting flowerhorn fry(a lot of them) and keep them in a spacious tank with caves and places to hide in. Eventually the once that are most aggressive or dominating could be separated and we could have a bunch of flowerhorn that are tolerant to each other. Another trick is to get keep a middle sized parrot (i would prefer to keep full size parrot just my opinion) when the flowerhorn fry are brought..Parrots play nannies to them and teach them some manners. And the safest way to do so would be to put a glass/plexiglass divider. Keeping more then one Flowerhorn together depends on the comfort level these guyz would develop around each other(even if divided coz if you want them to reach their true potential will have to provide them with what makes them comfortable).

Which fish you can kept with flowernhorn fish?

Flowerhorns are very territorial and aggressive.African cichlids,blood parrots of considerable size can be put with flowerhorn only if the tank is big enough(about 500 gallons). Otherwise its not recommended to put other fishes with flowerhorn at all, they might get killed or eaten up.

Do all Gouramis get along?

While it's possible that many types of fish may appear to get along, they are not compatible. Goldfish and gouramis should not be housed in the same tank as their needs are different. Goldfish are best living with goldfish.

Can tetra and gouramis be together?

No. Gouramis will be very aggressive to the tetra.

Your new dwarf gourami and coral blue gourami are fighting please help?

Male gouramis are very territorial. If kept in a smaller tank where they are unable to claim their own territory, they will fight. If both of those gouramis are male (they have a thicker body shape and more pointed, as oppose to rounded, dorsal fins), then it may be necessary to separate them, or move them both to a larger tank.