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yes they can ive fed my guinea pigs that for over a year

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Q: Can guinea Pigs eat Hearty chicken Flavor blend Ferret food?
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Would a guinea pig eat an ferret?

yes, with or without butter.

Will guinea pigs get along with ferrets?

This depends on the personality of the guinea pig and the ferret, they could but they could not.

Will a ferret eat a guineapig if in the same cage?

A ferret will almost certainly kill and eat a guinea pig if it had the chance.

Can a guinea pig be in a separate cage but be next to a ferret?

yes you can.

Can ferrets pass disease to guinea pigs?

no because they are not in the same family i dont know why but that is the answere but a ferret can pass in to another ferret

Can you get pink eye from a ferret?

No. Guinea pigs can't catch illnesses from humans, or vice versa.

Will a ferret kill a guinea pig?

You better not put ferrets and guinea pigs together, since ferrets are natural predators and have a hunting and killing instinct when it comes to rodents. It's very likely for a ferret to kill a guinea pig since it reminds him of mice and other rodents wild ferrets hunt. Ferrets are able to kill chickens, so better not try to wait and see what happens if you put your ferret with a guinea pig.

Would a ferret eat or attack a guinea pig?

Yes very easily! a ferret bit one of my guinea pigs in the face. Not trying to be violent but just not knowing any better since ferrets play all the time with each other biting.

If your neighbor's ferret was introduced when it was a tiny baby to your guinea pig and have always gotten along is it safe to let them play?

As long as their playtime is always supervised it should be fine. You just need to be there to intervene if your ferret gets too carried away, as ferrets tend to do. Agreed with the above answer, though keep in mind that in the wild, a ferret would probably make a meal of a guinea pig.

Can you feed your guinea pig chicken?

No, because guinea pigs are herbivores and cannot eat meat.

Are ferrets cleaner then guinea pigs?

Well it depands really because my guinea pig is very messy and my brothers ferret is messy too but i think that ferrets are abit cleaner .

Why do guinea pigs cry a lot?

If your ferret is crying, he/she may be in need of something? Is your ferret allowed out of it's cage at least four hours daily? Are you paying enough attention to your ferret? - Ferrets crave attention from their owner. Is your ferret in pain? - Maybe it's time to visit the veterinarian for a checkup.