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No, they should not eat grapefruit.

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Q: Can guinea pigs eat grape fruits?
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No, guinea pigs tend to stick to fruits and vegetables.

Can guinea pigs eat grape skin?

yes, guinea pigs can eat grape skin. but you must be careful, some cant puncture the skin. you may want to cut grapes in half before giving it to them.

How likely does an American guinea pig eat fruits?

never if guinea pigs eat fruit they get bad diarrhea

Are guinea pigs vegertarian?

Yes they only eat fruits and vegetables.

Can guinea pigs eat Arugula?

Yes they can, any vegetables or fruits

What is a guinea pigs food?

guinea pigs eat a bunch of different fruits and vegetables. BUT there are some certain fruits they CAN NOT EAT. But also keep in mind that there are local pet stores that have hay and food pellets that are safe for the little pig ;3

What could guinea pigs eat in the morning?

Guinea pigs can start with any part of their diet in the morning. Pellets, fruits, or veggies would be just fine.

Do guinea pigs eat fruit and veggies?

Yes, fruits and vegetables are an important part of a guinea pigs diet and they should be given at least a tablespoon a day of either.

What won't guinea pigs eat?

These herbivores should not have meat. They will have their favorite fruits . Vegetables are good for them.

What do wild guinea pigs eat for nutrition and are those foods available in US stores for domesticated guinea pig consumption?

wild guinea pigs would eat fruits and berry that they would find. the website: will help you out alot!!!

Do pigs eat grasshoppers?

Yes indeed

Can guinea pigs eat fruit?

Yes they can. Some are very good for them and others, such as mangoes, are poisonous.I have found that my guinea pig loves apple and nectarine peels, he won't eat the middles though. Celery and carrots are usually quite popular with the creatures as wellGuinea pigs need a half cup of fruit daily. They can have apple slice, orange slice, blueberries, half a grape.