

Can guinea pigs eat okra

Updated: 11/11/2022
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12y ago

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guinea pigs can eat any of the following

* Apple (seedless)

* Asparagus

* Basil

* Beet Greens

* Broccoli (shouldn't really be fed)

* Brussel Sprouts

* Cabbage (shouldn't really be fed)

* Cantaloup Melon

* Carrots and Baby Carrots

* Carrot Tops

* Cauliflower leaves and stalks

* Celery (cut into small chunks so no stings cause choking)

* Chicory Greens

* Chinese Parsley

* Cilantro

* Corriander greens

* Cucumber

* Dill

* Endive

* Garden Cress

* Grass

* Grapefruit

* Gooseberries

* Guava

* Honeydew Melon

* Kale

* Kiwi Fruit

* Mango

* Mustard greens

* Orange and peel (can cause sores)

* Parsley

* Parsnip

* Peas

* Red Cabbage

* Red Chard

* Romaine Lettuce

* Savoy Cabbage

* Spinach

* Strawberries

* Swiss Chard

* Tangerine

* Tomatoes

* Turnip Greens

* Tuscan Cabbage

* Water Cress

Some vegetables and herbs that should NOT be fed (some are poisonous and some are very unhealthy) are:

* Potato and Potato Tops

* Rhubarb and Rhubarb Leaves

* Tomato leaves

* Tamarillo leaves

* Apple seeds

* Iceberg Lettuce

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