

Can hair be burned off

Updated: 9/20/2023
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Lvl 1
12y ago

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yea you can burn it off but i don't recommend it. it smells really bad and it takes a long time to grow it back.

if you did it accidentally then... stay away from the heat haha :)

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Q: Can hair be burned off
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Would hair grow back if burned off?

yes **Edit** Yes, hair never stops growing, no matter what. Though the process may be a little slower when burned. I never had my hair burned, but it sounds rather painful.

I accidentally burned off my leg hair in a fire and now it is really short so when will it grow back?

There is a chance that you burned your hair follicles to the root, if that's the case, hair won't ever grow back. Sorry.

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If you hair was burned off there is not much you can do to get it back instead of taking special care of that part and making sure you moisturize it. In the future make sure to ALWAYS use a heat protectant before straightening you hair.

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You would have to burn the skin pretty bad to stop the hair from growing on it, just burning the hair off is same as shaving it it off, it will definitely grow back.

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because your hair will get really frizzy and if you put allot of hair products in your hair your will burn or catch on fire and if you straighten your hair allot your hair its gonna be burned and it will all fall off!!

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I would not recommend hot curling it cause it will burn off. I tried to use the instyler on urban beauty hair and it near burned it off. Don't do it!

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Lenalee didn't exactly cut her hair. It was burned off when she fought the Level Three akuma and was imprisoned in that crystal of her own Innocence.

What is a good way to treat burnt hair?

Unfortunately, the hair that is that damaged cannot be repaired. All you can do is to let it grow out, having the burned hair cut off periodically so that eventually you will be back to a full head of healthy hair. Meanwhile, use a gentle shampoo and conditioner and refrain from coloring or otherwise chemically treating your hair until the burned areas are gone.

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NO burned pumpkin seeds do not give you chest hair because if a girl ate it or put it on her body she wouldn't get hair on chest because girls dont get chest hair

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if it does make it orange its just burned

What reactions do hair dye give to hair?

It makes your hair "burned" and dry but you can heal it with special oil's.