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Q: Can haldol cause pinpoint pupil
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Can lithium overdose produce pinpoint pupil?

no lithium, as in lithium carbonate does not cause pinpoint pupil, however it causes tremors, weight gain, edema because of the water retention and it also decreases sexual function

How does a pontine haemorrhage produce a pinpoint pupil?

A pontine, or brain stem hemorrhage, produces a pinpoint pupil because the fibers in the brain are unaffected. Therefore, dilation is interrupted, causing the pinpoint, but eyes can look relatively normal.

What can cause you to have pinpoint pupils?

One's pupils get smaller in bright light. An extremely bright light can make the pupils become quite small, like a pinpoint. Special situations which can produce pinpoint pupil other than light are: 1. Opium overdose 2. Organophosphate poisoning 3. Pontine haemorrhage

Why pontine lesion cause pinpoint pupil?

the SNS fibers that dilate the eyes run down the brainstem here, and if compressed you get PNS overdrive that constricts the pupils but they are still reactive to light.

Is there a drug that causes pinpoint pupils?

The drugs that most commonly cause constricted pupils or "Pinpoint" are strong opiods such as Heroin, morphine, oxycodone, or high doses of norco / vicodin.

What illegal drugs cause pinpoint pupils?

Listing them all would be time-consuming so lets put it this way. Drugs can cause a pupil to change in two ways by dilation making the pupil larger or constricting the pupils. Only two drugs constrict the pupils those being opiates and alcohol. So anything but, these can cause the pupils to dilate.

Ten year child with high fever had an syncope attack early in the morning and pupil was pinpoint?

Take them to a doctor.

Does alcohol cause pinpoint pupils?


What is another name for Haldol?


Is haldol a benzo?

No. Haldol (Haloperidol) is an antipsychotic.

Can drugs cause parkinsonism?

Some drugs given for psychosis, such as haloperidol (Haldol) or chlorpromazine (thorazine), may cause parkinsonism

What can cause bilateral pinpoint pupils?

pontine hemorrhage