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Q: Can haldol congentin and ativan be given mixed intermuscalarly?
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Can you mix Haldol and Ativan in the same syringe for injection?

Yes. You can mix haldol and ativan for an IM injection. It's done frequently done in situations of frank psychoses, like in an ER or psychiatric facility and can be referred to as "halivan." The effect is quite potent and the drugs should only be given by medical personnel with the proper credentials in a location where the patient can have proper monitoring.

Can drugs cause parkinsonism?

Some drugs given for psychosis, such as haloperidol (Haldol) or chlorpromazine (thorazine), may cause parkinsonism

How long after Ativan is given can you give Valium?

You can give Diazepam (Valium) next day after you give Lorazepam (Ativan). Lorazepam is short acting and diazepam is long acting.

What is the chemical antidote for Ativan?

Flumazenil is a benzodiazepine antagonist given *as part of* a treatment for Ativan (and other benzodiazepines) overdose in *hospitalized* patients. Flumazenil itself has its own risks and these risks should be considered by the prescriber.

Is Ativan safe for dogs?

No they can not have any drugs Miyabi Armstrong Fraser Acutally, Valium is commonly used on dogs in vet offices. Ativan is in the same class of drugs (although used within a fairly different scope than Valium). I don't know if it can be used on dogs. Best to ask a veterinarian!! Yes, Ativan can be given to dogs but needs to be given under a vets supervision.

Can iv haldol solution be given orally?

Yes, you could give the haloperidol solution orally, but the onset of action will not be as rapid as if you give it parenterally (intravenously or intramuscularly) and at typical parenteral doses, the efficacy may not be as complete.

What is the standard roxanol dose for a hospice pt?

0.25 ml hourly. It is usually given in conjunction with ativan. The dosage can be increased from advice with a health care professional.

For what purpose haldol is used?

Haldol is a "Heavy Tranquilizer", usually given to people suffering Schizophrenia or a psychotic episode. It is intended to slow down imagination/creativity areas of the brain, but impairs the entire brain in doing so. Compared to "Mild Sedatives" such as valium, xanax, etc. Haldol is about 10-50 times more powerful, but doesn't slow down the body as much as the brain, leading to shakes and poor muscle/motor control aka "Haldol Shuffle". Good answer!. I'd like to add that Haldol (or haloperidol) is also used to treat Tourette's Syndrome. And Xanax (alprazolam) is more of an anti-anxietal than a tranquilizer (I'll leave you to guess how someone somewhere actually made that distinction).

How much Klonopin can a 60lb dog take?

You need to call a vet, human drugs are not given in the same dose as humans, what is the need for the pet to have this drug?

What is the difference between Valium and Ativan?

Both Benzos. Both Anti-Anxiety oral tablets. Xanax works " FAST but doesn't LAST" (about 2 hours) so more of a "quick fix"; Atavan lasts longer 6+ hours. Both are highly addictive if used daily (for more than 4 weeks).

Is there an antedote for LSD?

There is no drug or compound that will magically cure LSD intoxication. However, there are many drugs which can be given to someone on LSD that can reduce the symptoms of LSD intoxication help calm the user. Benzodiazepine medications (Xanax, Klonopin, Valium, Ativan) are given to reduce anxiety but will not reduce hallucinations. Atypical antipsychotics (quetiapine, risperidone) are given to sedate the user and reduce hallucinations.

What dosage of Ativan for panic attacks?

There are many considerations when taking Ativan, no pill fits all: - ask you pharmacist questions - be honest with you medical practitioner - never feel silly or dumb asking either of them a question and never just assume an answer.