

Can hamsters eat popcorn

Updated: 11/6/2022
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12y ago

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You might want to research it, the kernels in the popcorn is probably not good for them and the casings of the kernels are probably not good either. If you feed it to your hamster, make sure the casings and kernels are not in the popcorn. I would make totally sure, though. I think as long as it's plain it'll be ok.

ToniRulez they do sell special corn at the pet store if you take the corn off the cob and put it in the microwave for as long as it says let it cool off and then feed it to your hamsters

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12y ago

Yes but with no butter just plain. Dont give it alot or it will get fat.
yes. c:

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I have seen many videos of hamsters eating popcorn, so I do not see the harm as long as it does not have too much salt and butter on it, since that can upset their stomachs and lead to diarrhea, which can be lethal to hamsters. I am sure you can give popcorn to a hamster as a treat, but don't make it a daily thing to give it.

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Yes if you feed it popcorn it will die a slow and painful death....... Do not feed your hamster popcorn

Can you feed a hamster popcorn?

NO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can not It will DIE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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of course not

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Hamsters like fruit, veg and as a very rare treat they also enjoy cheese and PLAIN popcorn.

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Yes the iroquois did eat popcorn the grew corn then cooked it to make popcorn

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How many people eat popcorn?

The proper way to eat popcorn is to: One at a time, pop one popcorn kernel in your mouth... and when you chew it, don't chew too loud.