

Can hamsters have pine bedding

Updated: 11/7/2022
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12y ago

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I've heard it is bad for them and good so i don't really know, i would prefer no about it but the good side they said was if it was kiln-dried.

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Q: Can hamsters have pine bedding
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Why are Chinese dwarf hamsters allergic to pine bedding?

Pine bedding can increase respiratory problems in hamsters.

What bedding do winter white hamsters have?

Carefresh bedding is best. Bedding containing pine or cedar may cause problems to the hamster's respiratory system.

What type of bedding do dwarf hamsters need?

dwarf hamsters need the same bedding as normal hamsters which is straw or shavings which you can get in a pet shop.

Teddy bear hamster infected eye due to pine bedding?

First of all, DO NOT USE PINE!!!!! Second, do some research and if necessary buy some medicine or go see your vet. Also, change your bedding ASAP to either Carefresh or other paper materials (i have Boxo at the moment) or Aspen. Those are both fine. Pine and Cedar are bad for your hamsters health. P.S. You can also use Kiln Dried Pine bedding but in your situation i wouldn't use any pine

What kind of allergies do teddy bear hamsters have?

A Teddy Bear Hamster's real name is a Syrian Hamster. Syrian Hamsters are often allergic to cedar and pine. That's why these should be used as bedding, chew toys, etc.

What do hamsters sleep with?

Dwarf hamsters - each other and on suitable hamster bedding. Syrian - on their own and on suitable hamster bedding.

Can rats die from pine shavings?

yes,but only sometime try buying care freash bedding it doesnt harm hamsters and it actually keeps them warm and happy :)

Are pinecones harmful to hamsters?

Yes it collect dust and cause upper restpitory problems. P.s you are not supposed to uuse pine bedding ethier because it has the same effect

Why does your hamsters bedding stick to the bottom of her cage?

Because when hamsters poo or wee on their bedding it gets pressed down and squashed! Xx

Why do hamsters have saw dust in their cages?

saw dust is something that lots of people use as bedding. I use saw dust for my hamsters bedding!

What type of bedding do hamsters use?

all of them

Is newspaper toxic to hamsters?

Yes, newspaper ink can be toxic to hamsters if ingested, so it is not recommended as bedding material. It's best to use safe bedding options for hamsters like aspen shavings, paper-based bedding, or commercial hamster bedding from pet stores.