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It all depends on what the condition/disease the hamster has, what medicine you propose to use, and the size of the hamster. DO NOT, under ANY circumstances, give your hamster medicine without seeing a veterinarian first.

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Q: Can hamsters take medicine if so what medicine and how much should it take?
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What human medicine can you give hamsters?

Take it to the veterinarian.

What happens when you take too much medicne?

If you take too much medicine, you can die. This is dangerous and is not something that should be taken lightly. See a doctor if you think you took too much medicine.

What should you do when your hamsters face is torn up?

take him to the vet

What should i do if my hamsters claws are overgrown?

Take it to the vets to get them trimmed,

What is take as directed mean?

That is an instruction usually found on a prescription or an over-the-counter medicine indicating that you should take as much of the medicine as the directions specify and no more than what the directions specify.

How much heat can hamsters take?

Not a lot because they can get dehydrated and die.

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What can you do if you take too much allergy medicine? In:Allergies [Edit categories]Read more: What_can_you_do_if_you_take_too_much_allergy_medicine

How much do pregnant hamsters cost?

It depends where you live where I live hamsters cost 10 dollars and you can't buy pregnent hamsters also you should not disturbe a pregnent hamster. If you despretly want one buy a male and female but when the female is pregnent take the male out of the cage he could kill the babys

How can you heal a baby hamsters arm?

You should take it to the vet instead of trying to do it at home.

When will the baby hamsters look like hamsters?

they should start to look like hamsters after 11-12 days (some take longer/shorter than others) hope this helped! xoxo iluvedwardcullen16

Who will take baby hamsters?

Pet stores and friends could take baby hamsters.

Do pregnant hamsters get a red spot on their stomachs?

Yes, they do. If your hamster dose you should take it to the vet.