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well if you are interested in breeding hamsters.

I herd that you should leave a boy hamster in the cage with the girl hamster for 2 week then take him out then she should have them in 30 days or less.


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Q: How long do female hamsters have to be pregnant to have babies?
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How long is a fancy hamster pregnant before it has babies?

hamsters are usually pregnant for about three weeks

I took my female hamster into school and a kid put it in a male hamsters cage they were in there for about 15 minutes i was wondering if that was long enough to get the female pregnant?

yes, the hamster could be pregnant.

When robo hamsters have babies?

If you are talking about how long can a robo dwarf hamster be pregnant then it will be about 6 to 5 months,also NEVER TOUCH THE BABIES, since the mom hamster will EAT the babies. I know, harsh.

Do female teddy bear hamsters fight when ther are in heat?

I know dwarf hamsters do fight when they are in heat.My kids got hamsters for Christmas last year my sons would try to bite him every time he would put his hand in the cage, She wound up being pregnant. After she had babies we kept them in the same cage after so long they to started to fight so we thought !being She ended up pregnant AGAIN!!!!

How long do hamsters stay pregnant?

Most hamsters are pregnant for 16-18 days.

How can your hamsters make babies?

Make sure you breed only hamsters that you have had for a long time, longer than 6 months.Good hamsters to breed are Syrian Hamsters. Get hamsters that are in good health, with glossy eyes and smooth fur. Slowly get the male and female hamster accustomed to each other and after about a week, there will be baby hamsters.

How long do hamsters hold babie hamsters in their stomachs?

Hi, hamsters are pregnant for 16-28 days.

How long does hamsters carry there babies?

For 16 days.

How long does it take before hamsters can have babies after having someone week ago?

Did you know? A hamster can get pregnant as soon as she has her babies! She can usually have about 4-5 litters in one mating season. Hope this helps-- Hamsterluver224 ;)

What hamsters have babies the fastest?

All hamsters are pregnant the same time, or close enough to make no difference. Actually, Syrian hamsters have the quickest gestation period, at about 16 days. Dwarf hamsters are a little bit longer at about 18 days, but they can also go as long as 22 days. Hope i helped.

Male and female lop-eared bunnies together and you think she is pregnant How long do you keep the pair together and after she has babies do you need to separate them for the sake of the babies?

If you are sure she is pregnant, take dad out and make a nest for babies. Having dad in the cage can cause extra stress for mama and babies.

How long do you separate the male hamster from the female during birth?

Once my two hamsters had babies, I separated the father from the mother permanently, because if you put the babies and the father together, the father could kill the babies because he thinks they will challenge him for leader of the cage.