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A hamster can get pregnant as soon as she has her babies!

She can usually have about 4-5 litters in one mating season.

Hope this helps--

Hamsterluver224 ;)

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Q: How long does it take before hamsters can have babies after having someone week ago?
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Where can you find videos of hamsters having babies?

Google Videos.

How fat are teddy bear hamsters when they are having babies?

About their normal size but they are noticabley larger.

Does the male hamster have to be around when female hamster having a babies?

Do not put the male around the female! Some male hamsters eat the babies, I'm not kidding.

How old are hamsters when they stop having babies?

1 year old! or they will fight! alot! if you d want to try though do it with expienced hamsters and make sure the female is younger

How do you know how far along your hamster is if its having babies?

If it is having babies then it is all the way along. Otherwise it can be very difficult to tell, as even unimpregnated hamsters can gain lots of weight in a short amount of time.

Will petsmart take baby hamsters?

Hamsters are some of the most prolific mammals on Earth. They make rabbits look celibate. There is no shortage of baby hamsters, and it is unlikely that you will be able to sell them. Answer If you have a hamster with a calm personality, who likes being held, you might investigate breeding your hamster. Certainly, you would want to contract with a pet store before having babies.

Can you take the baby hamsters away before four weeks to prevent litters cause you are having some population problems?

Yes I'm pretty sure, if not they may have babies! Always be sure to take all the girl babies, and put them in a different cage then the male. Good lucckk! :]

How often do hamsters have babys?

They can have litters every 6 months. But they will get tired after a few set of litters and stop having babies.

When do you ween hamsters?

Separate the genders, like boys in one box or cage and girls in the other, or they will start having babies with their siblings. Also remove boy babies from their mom at three and a half weeks or mom may become pregnant with one of her kids!! Gross!

Can Fancy Dwarf Hamsters live together?

my two sister dwarf hamsters live together. while they do fight at least once a week, they do play with one another. just make sure they are one sex unless you plan on having them reproduce. yes, a brother and sister hamster can have 'normal' babies. my hamsters angel and daisy are from brother and sister parents.

Why is it useful to know the world's population?

so you think before having to many babies.