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Q: Can having the blood flow to your nerves in your back cause it?
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What nerves cause pulling finger back?

i dont no

Could a back injury cause infertility problems in a man if it has damaged the nerves in the spine?

No as the nerves in the spine have not link to sperm production. It may how ever cause impotence as the nerves in the coccyx link to the nerves in your penis and if damaged and take away your ability to have an erection

What causes tenderness in upper back or neck?

most likely a inflamation of the nerves is the cause,

Does the auditory nerve have blood in it?

No. Nerves are not blood-filled. They are a bundle of fibers that carry information from parts of your body back to your brain, where your brain then processes that information.

What could be the cause of vein swelling on the back of hand after having blood draw when there's no pain or bruise?

check with your doctor. doesnt sound common

When you laugh your right side hurts?

pinched nerves in your back often send the pains around your body on the nerves to be pains along the nerves in the rib,chest or heart areas.when you laugh the spine is moving enough to put more pressure on the nerves to cause pain.

Does not having a bowel movement cause lower back pain?

It can cause lower back pain but not always

Could back surgery cause pins and needles in hands and feet?

... anytime you disturb the spine nerves can be effected.

Can vagus nerve cause pain in back or legs or hip?

Very Unlikely, as the Vagus Nerves have nothing to do with those areas.

Is it bad to eat your own blood?

no cause it go back down your own body where the blood come from

Can sciatica cause referred pain in the abdomen?

I am not sure exactly what nerves innervate the back, but I would assume that it could definitely refer to the abdomen.

Can Rheumatoid Arthritis cause back spasms?

It can when there is a point where nerves pas between joints where cartilage that normally holds the bone apart becomes thin or disappears, causing pressure to be put on the nerve which in turn can effect muscles elsewhere in the body.