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I had nine vessel CABG in 2002 and also have severe coronary artery disease. Could this have caused my moderately severe sleep apnea? I never had any problems sleeping before my surgery.

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Q: Can heart disease cause sleep apnea?
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Can sleep apnea cause enlarged heart?

Sleep apnea is a sleep-related breathing disorder whereby the pharynx closes causing the patient to gasp or even stop breathing in their sleep. Yes, obstructive sleep apnea can cause an enlarged and thickened heart.

What chronic disease is at epidemic levels?

Obesity ... which predisposes individuals to diabetes, sleep apnea, heart disease, degenerative joint disease and many others.

Treating Sleep Apnea?

Sleep apnea can cause a person to stop breathing multiple times during the night. In addition, sleep apnea can increase the risk of high blood pressure, heart disease and stroke. Treatments for sleep apnea include using a machine known as a CPAP machine, losing weight and sleeping on the side as opposed to sleeping on the back. In addition, oral appliances, which reposition the jaw to facilitate breathing can also help reduce symptoms of sleep apnea. Treating sinus problems can also help improve sleep apnea as can avoiding alcoholic beverages.

Can sleep apnea cause seizures?

There are quite a few things that can cause seizures, but sleep apnea is not a direct cause. Sleep Apnea, however, can cause certain other conditions, so if you suffer from this you should take care of it.

Is sleep apnea contagious?

Sleep apnea is potentially deadly because you can die if you stop breathing in your sleep. Sleep apnea is not contagious, since it is physiological, not a viral or bacterial disease.

How does sleep apnea cause ED?

It doesn't. I have sleep apnea, and no problems with any other bedtime activities.

What is the following is a health risk for someone who is overweight or obese?

Stroke, heart attack, heart disease, type 2 diabetes, reproductive problems, depression, esophageal cancer, thyroid cancer, sleep apnea, kidney failure, etc., and even death.

What steps are taken in the treatment of Sleep Apnea?

The first step in treating Sleep Apnea is finding out the cause. For most people the cause is being overweight and losing that weight would be the first step in treating Sleep Apnea.

Should someone with sleep apnea take seroquel?

I have sleep apnea and I am taking seraquil. Does this cause me to have shallow breathing?

Can sleep apnea cause fatalities?


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Can sleeping cause death?

No. Sleeping in and of itself is the body at rest. Other things may happen to you WHILE you're sleeping that would cause your death (heart attack, stroke, blood clot, aspirating on vomit), but these other events caused the death, NOT sleeping. For the millions who suffer from sleep apnea, this question can be a tough one to face. While sleep apnea may not always be directly attributable, sleep apnea's effects on the body can contribute to heart disease and to fatal automobile accidents. While many treatments exist for sleep apnea, a lack of education in the medical community and general public may lead people to ignoring their symptoms, not being diagnosed and not getting treatment.