

Best Answer

Definitely. I never thought of this before you asked, but that's exactly the reason

why you must not put your tongue on the pump handle in Minnesota in January ...

because so much heat has transferred out of the solid pump handle into the cold air,

that the metal has become dangerously cold.

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Q: Can heat transfer between gas and solid through conduction?
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What type of energy transfer is the transfer of heat through matter by molecular activity?

Because of molecular vibration the heat transferred through a solid is called CONDUCTION

What do we call a transfer of heat into and through a solid object?


The transfer of heat from one thing to another by direct physical contact?

Conduction is the transfer of heat throgh solid objects in direct contact. The other two types of heat transfer are convection (through liquids and gases) and radiation (through gases and a vacuum).

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How do you explain the difference between conduction convection or radiation can transfer heat explain?

It's a different way to transfer heat. One object emits electromagnetic radiation (for example, infrared - though it depends on the temperature); another object absorbs it. Heat transfer through radiation can occur in empty space; with conduction and convection, that's not possible.

Which type of heat transfer is by direct contract?

The type of heat transfer by direct contact is called conduction. Heat is transferred through a solid material or between two objects in direct contact with each other. This occurs as the particles in the material or objects collide and transfer energy to each other.

Which process transfer heat when particles collide in a solid?


Which process transfer heat when particles collide in solid?


How is energy transferred by conduction and radiation?

Carbon does not transfer via radiation. Carbon can only "conduct" in the sense that it can diffuse through a solid if the temperature is high enough. Carbon can convect in convective models, and the analyses of both heat transfer and mass transfer in solid surface - fluid mediums are *very* similar.

How are conduction and radiation similar?

They are both transfers of energy. Conduction is the transfer of energy through a solid (Think: heat through a metal pan on a stove, or electricity through a wire). Radiation is the transfer of energy through space (Think: The sun's rays landing on your skin giving you a tan, or a laser through the air.)

What is canvection and what is coduction?

I think you mean convection and conduction. The first is the transfer of energy through a fluid and the second through a solid. The third way, through a vacuum, is radiation.

How do you prevent heat transfer from conduction?

By using solid thermal insulators.