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Yes, a magnet looses it's power even when it is hammered.

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Q: Can heating a magnet cause it to loose its magnetic properties?
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Would cooling a magnet reduce its magnetic properties?

Cooling a magnet can actually increase its magnetic properties. At low temperatures, the thermal energy of the material decreases, causing the magnetic domains to align more easily and enhancing the magnetization. This phenomenon is known as magnetic cooling. However, if the magnet is cooled to extremely low temperatures, such as near absolute zero, it can lose its magnetic properties altogether due to a phenomenon called the Curie temperature.

What can cause realignment of magnetic domains in a material?

A magnet.

When adding more paper to a magnet on refrigerator why does it cause the magnet to fall off?

The magnet is losing its magnetic connection to the fridge.

Of a ferromagnet an electromagnet a temporary magnet or a permanent magnet which is easy to create but loses its magnetism easily?

The temporary magnet becomes a magnet in a strong magnetic field, but its magnetic properties will disappear when that field is taken away. The ferromagnet and the permanent magnet are essentially the same thing. The electromagnet isn't that easy to make compared to the temporary magnet. Let's conduct an esperiment. If we take a bar magnet and pick up a paperclip with it, we can use the paperclip on the end of the magnet to pick up another paperclip. The second paperclip we are picking up only needs to touch the first paperclip; it does not have to touch the magnet itself. When the magnet is taken away, the paperclips no longer exhibit magnetic properties. They were acting as temporary magnets, and the simple and easy removal of the magnet cause them to lose their magnetism.

What factors that cause permanent magnet not to generate?

Break in the circuit or loss of magnetic strength of the magnet can result in to no generation

How can you demagnetizing a magnet?

To demagetize a magnet you could smash one if the ends with a hammer. this will cause the order of atoms to rearange so that it's not magnetic.

How to cause a magnet to lost its magnetic power?

A magnet can lose its magnetism if exposed to high temperatures. If heated above the point called the Curie temperature, a magnet will lose its magnetism.

What is the purpose of the permanent magnet in the moving coil meter?

The purpose of the permanent magnet in the moving coil meter is to measure electrical current. The coil will have a magnetic field which will react to the magnetic field of the permanent magnet. Since opposite poles attract, it will cause for the coil to move.Ê

How does magnetism cause an object to move?

All magnets have a magnetic field If the object that you want to move by using the magnet is with in the magnets magnetic field it will move.

Can electricity cause a magnetic effect?

Yes, a current carrying conductor behaves like a magnet.

Can a magnet's magnetism be destroyed?

A magnet can be demagnetized by striking it many times, heating it, or cooling it. All of these randomize the domains.

Does a magnet cause gravity?

the magnet's magnetic force (attraction) won't cause cause gravity. however, all objects impose a gravitational pull on other objects, but they can be so weak that we can not feel it. only objects of astronomical mass like the Earth can we feel it's gravititational pull. therfore, the magnet's magnetic force won't cause a gravitational pull, however the object itself would (if very small)