

Can helium pass through steel

Updated: 11/1/2022
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12y ago

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yes in lab conditions for helium being lowered to almost 1 K in which helium simply drops down right through. experiments are still going on as mentioned above its only possible in extreme lab conditions and conducted by scientists

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Q: Can helium pass through steel
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a material, such as a metal,(gold or steel for instance) that can allow electricity to pass through it.

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Yes steel is conductive, any ferris metal is a conductor and electricity can pass through it. however, it will not conduct as well as aluminum or copper.

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Most electrical wires and cables are made of solid copper, aluminum, or steel.

Materials that allow electricity to pass through them also allow water to pass through them is this is right or wrong?

Wrong. Water will pass through paper but low voltage electrity will not. Electricity will pass through copper and other metals, but water will not. Water is a good conductor of electricity but so is steel and copper. However water will not pass through them unless they are in the form of tubing In the UK pipework (Gas and Water) in properties should be earthed to protect against electrocution.

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The easiest way to distinguish them is by the combustion test. Hydrogen is flammable and will burn. You can also pass hydrogen, which is reactive, through various solutions and it will be combined, whereas helium will almost never chemically react.

How would you contain a gamma particle?

You can't. Gamma can pass through several feet of steel. For each inch of steel gamma rays are attenuated by 50%. Normal mirrors and lenses have no effect on gamma.