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yes it does

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Q: Can helpful bacteria kill viruses
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Can saliva kill bacteria?

Well there are lots of helpful, symbiotic bacteria in your saliva that help kill lots of harmful bacteria and viruses; so in a way, yes.

How could viruses be helpful?

Some viruses target harmful organisms. For example, bacteriophage viruses kill bacteria. Other viruses might kill mosquitoes or weevils or other harmful insects without hurting any other species.

Determine how some viruses might be helpful?

they can be made into vaccines against themselves. Additionally, virsuses that attack bacteria, called bacteriophages, may someday be used to treat bacteria infections. There has also be research into using viruses to kill harmful insects.

How can bacteria be helpful and harmful to living things?

Bacteria can be helpful by deleting bad viruses and harmful by killing you

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Bacteria and Viruses

How may some viruses be helpful?

Viruses might be helpful because they clean you out all bad germs and bacteria releases.

What can bacteria do that viruses cannot?

Bacteria can attack and kill cells. White blood cells can kill bacteria.

What are some ways viruses are helpful?

they can kill you

Does a steam mop kill bacteria and viruses?

It can kill germs and bacteria IF it is hot enough but it cannot kill a virus.

Why do antibodies work to kill bacteria but not viruses?

bacteria is complit cell or contain cellular material hence specific antibody riquar as compair to virus is difrance

How can viruses be helpful?

Viruses that are harmless to humans can be used to infect bacteria or other pests eg rabbits

How do antibodies work to kill bacteria but not viruses?

they engulf them