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Yes. I refer to this as "light bulb effect". The same vision distortion as when looking into a lighted bulb then looking away and the bright colored effect in the center of your vision prevents you from seeing/focusing on things. A sign not to ignore - time to get yor glucose level up!

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Q: Can high blood sugar cause pupils being dilated?
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My eyes do it looks like I'm taking heroin

How do you get rid of dilated pupils?

If your pupils are dilated after a visit to an ophthalmologist, leave it be. It'll get back to normal in a couple hours. If not, and this is just for theoretical knowledge, drugs like atropine and hyoscine cause constriction of pupils.

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Does Adderall cause dilated pupils?

Yes; Adderall contains amphetamine. Amphetamine works by increasing certain neurotransmitters in the brain (dopamine and epinephrine) which cause the pupils to dilate. Consult your doctor if this side effect causes blurred vision or severe sensitivity to light.

What illegal drugs cause pinpoint pupils?

Listing them all would be time-consuming so lets put it this way. Drugs can cause a pupil to change in two ways by dilation making the pupil larger or constricting the pupils. Only two drugs constrict the pupils those being opiates and alcohol. So anything but, these can cause the pupils to dilate.

Can Methylphenadate cause constricted pupils?

No, historically it's the exact opposite, it causes dilation of the pupils, particularly in larger than therapeutic doses. If you're noticing constricted pupils despite being on this medication, I would recommend notifying your doctor immediately as there may be another cause.

Does Lortab make your pupils big or small?

Lortab will cause contraction of your pupils. (i.e. smaller pupils)

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Depo Provera does not cause dilation of your pupils.

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Shining a flashlight into your eye would cause your pupils to become?

Your pupils would dilate

What effect does psilocybin drug have on your pupils?

If taken orally, the drug will just dilate your pupils very much. If taken through the nostril in a crushed form, it may cause your eyes to water, redden, and will dilate them even more because the ecstasy hits the bloodstream near your eyes quicker this way.