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Q: Can high protein help hair loss?
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Related questions

Where can I find information on hair loss supplements?

Some supplements will help to restore lost hair. If you are losing hair due to a protein deficiency then it will help to have protein.

Can amino acids cause hair loss?

No. Amino acids actually help hair grow. Amino acids are the 'building blocks' of protein. And hair is made up of a protein called keratin. So no, amino acids do NOT cause hair loss.

What can I eat to stop my hair loss?

There are actually several foods that are recommended to help combat hair loss. High protein foods like fish, chicken. cheese, eggs, and yogurt are a start because hair is made from protein. Raisins are also good because they are a good source iron which can keep a good supply of blood flowing to your scalp. The silica found in bean sprouts, red and green peppers and cucumbers can also help.

What type of diet should one be on to prevent hair loss?

Eating a well balanced diet that is rich with Omega 3's will contribute to healthy hair. Also, a diet that provides a lot of protein will help with hair loss.

Will you lose your hair if you eat once a day?

Yes, lack of protein in your diet can cause hair loss. Protein is essential for hair production. Hair is the result of dead protein cells.

Will a high- protein low- carb diet help me with fat loss?

A high-protein, low-carb diet can help with fat loss, especially if it is backed up by an exercise regime. Keep in mind that calories in need to be lower than calories out for any diet to work properly over the long term.

Dose to much protein caues hair loss?

No one knows

How do I prevent hair loss with gastric bypass?

The biggest reason for loss of hair after gastric bypass is lost of nutrients getting to the hair follicles. Make sure you are getting enough protein, it is recommended you get 60 grams of protein or more a day.

Are there vitamins that will decrease my hair loss problem?

If you are having hair loss due to a vitamin or protein deficiency then there are some vitamins and supplements you can take to change it.���Hair/���hair_���loss-nutrition.htm

Does testosterone can be problem to hair loss?

does using Testosterone suppliments be a problem for hair loss in men

What protein pills are recommended for har growth?

None. Protein supplements will not help. The only way to help hair grow is to find out and correct why it is not growing (for example iron deficiency is a common cause of hair loss) or to use topical Rogaine (available over the counter) or oral finasteride (available by prescription).

What causes hormonal hair loss?

you have to meet your family physicion .he will help you to control hair loss