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Q: Can hsv2 affect your mouth
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What is HSV 2?

HSV 1 is the virus that causes oral herpes which is what causes cold sores and fever blisters on the mouth. HSV2 causes genital herpes, usually located on the genitals, inner thighs, buttocks or anus. But HSV1 can affect the genitals. If some one with a visible cold sore gives their partner oral sex they could pass cold sores to their partners genitals. Also HSV2 can affect the mouth. If some one gives their partner oral sex around the time they have a break out of herpes then they could pass genital herpes to their partners mouth.

Can folliculitis cause a false positive hsv2 result?

No, folliculitis will note cause a false positive HSV2 result.

Does the psp smear test for HSV2?


How does tobacco affect the mouth?

It cause the mouth an

Can you get hsv1 from hsv2?

No, HSV1 and HSV2 are different viruses. You may be infected with HSV1 if you are already infected with HSV2, and vice versa, however, infection with one does not mean you will get the other unless you are exposed.

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the mouth

Whether hsv2 transforms into HIV?

HSV-2 does not transform into HIV.

Can cancer affect your salivary glande?

Yes. Cancer of the mouth can affect salivation, taste and all aspects of the mouth. Also, radiation treatment in the area of the mouth can cause dryness and other side effects as well.

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Your lungs buddy

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Does hsv1 turn to hsv2 in the genitalia?

No it does not. HSV-1 is a different virus than HSV-2.

How does caffeine affect the mouth?

i don't know about anything technical, but it always makes my mouth feel really dry