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Q: Can humans actually see without any aid infareed radiation'?
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Are humans and life forms able to survive without solar radiation?

Humans do not need to expose themselves to solar radiation directly to survive. However, if there were no solar radiation at all, temperatures on Earth would quickly drop below freezing, and plants would not be able to grow. Humans would not live long under such conditions.

What form of radiation can humans see?

Humans can see visible light, which is a form of electromagnetic radiation with wavelengths between 400-700 nanometers. This range of wavelengths is detected by the photoreceptor cells in our eyes and processed by the brain to produce the sensation of sight.

Is phone radiation harmful to humans?

Phone radiation can be harmful to humans. It is harmful when the person is on the phone a lot.

Is infrared radiation to human?

infrared radiation is invisible to humans

Could horses live without humans?

yes they can. they actually used to live without humans in herds, until they were domesticated by humans and used for traveling purposes. there are still about 25,000 wild herds of horses.

What type of radiation is given off by humans?

thermal radiation = heat

The radiation that is most damaging to humans is?

Gamma radiation is most damaging to humans.

Are humans and life form able to survive without solar?

Humans do not need to expose themselves to solar radiation directly to survive. However, if there were no solar radiation at all, temperatures on Earth would quickly drop below freezing, and plants would not be able to grow. Humans would not live long under such conditions.

Do humans give off radiation?


Human e mit infrared radiation?

yes, humans emit infrared radiation

Can human with using radiation morph into winged beings?

Radiation is lethal to Humans, So no.

Are insects impervious to radiation?

No. No creature is impervious to radiation. However, some insects are more tolerant of radiation than humans are.