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The Milky Way is not a place you can be on, it is our galaxy which we are part of. From earth it looks like a milky white band across the sky (thus the name).

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Q: Can humans breathe on the milky way?
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Are humans able to live in the Milky Way?

we live on earth and it is in the milky way so yes

Which Galaxy does humans live in?

The milky way

Could you survive in the Milky Way?

No you can not survive in the milky way ;; why? because there is no air for us humans to breath

Will the milkyway ever come to and end?

As far as we humans know the milky way will not come to an end, although the planets in the milky way will the milky way itself will never come to an end

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The same way humans do.

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Ducks breathe the same way as us humans

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the same way humans do

What galaxy is gallifrey in?

Gallifrey is in the constellation of Kasterborous, which is in (as the TimeLords know it) Mutters Spiral, or as the humans know of it - the Milky Way.

Which galaxy do humans live in?

We are currently, and always part of the "Milky Way" galaxy. The Milky Way has the only life forms known so far, humans. The "Life on Mars" theory is still being predicted and experimented by scientists. So far we are the only living organisms, apart from plants also, alive. The Milky Way galaxy, which had many events happened, which was MAJORLY part of the "Big Bang" theory. Milky Way is extremely close the the Sagittarius galaxy. approximately 500 light years).

What is the Milky Way in the sky?

There no milky way in sky there is only milky way galaxy

How do roundworms breathe?

Roundworms do not breathe in the way that humans or animals do. Roundworms take in oxygen through their skin and into the cells. The term for this is diffusion.

What galaxy is called the Milky Way?

The Milky Way galaxy is.... called the Milky Way Galaxy