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I don't know if it was from my prolonged Hydrocodone use or not but... recently I had a problem swallowing and was unable to take my medication for over 24 hours. I have been on Hydrocodone for years now and when I was unable to take it, I did go through a little bit of withdrawl. I noticed, the next day, that I seemed to be HIGHLY sensitive to smells. My wife's body spray, the dust in my car, my daughter's breath, the E.R. (since I ended up there due to not being able to swallow) and then, eventually, the food I was able to eat, were all EXTREMELY strong smelling to me. Hydrocodone works by numbing nerve impulses so I'm just assuming that after my using it for so long that it had something to do with my sense of smell and how strong things smelled to me.

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Q: Can hydrocodone affect the sense of taste and smell?
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