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Q: Can hypothyroid cause low oxygen when sleelping?
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Would a hyperthyroid problem cause a person to sleep a lot and have low body temperatures?

Happens in Hypothyroid problem not Hyperthyroid problem.

Can low oxygen cause any permanent damage?

it can cause brain damage

What natural law is operating to cause low oxygen in ozone?

The natural phenomenon is gravity. It allows the heavier oxygen to stay low.

What heart problems can cause dizziness?

Low blood pressure or low oxygen saturation (%).

Can low oxygen levels cause hallucinations?


Does hypothyroid cause charley horses?

Yes, hypothyroidism can cause charley horses. Some other causes of leg cramps include not drinking enough water, low blood sugar, overworking your muscles, and alcoholism. There are also medications that can cause leg cramping.

Cause for low blood oxygen?

Low blood oxygen has many causes, often respiratory disorders, and can cause tissue hypoxia as the blood is not supplying enough oxygen to the body. Hypoxemia is the medical term used to refer to this condition.

Could having one lunge cause low oxygen in blood?

Yes, but if you are searching for the reason a person has low oxygen levels this is most likely NOT the answer.

Will an oxygen sensor make a car lose power?

A malfunctioning oxygen sensor can cause the engine to be low on power.

Does low oxygen saturation cause achenes and tiredness?

Yes, low oxygen saturation can lead to symptoms such as weakness, fatigue, and shortness of breath. These symptoms can contribute to feelings of tiredness and achiness in the body due to the reduced supply of oxygen to tissues and muscles. It is important to address and treat the underlying cause of low oxygen saturation to alleviate these symptoms and prevent further complications.

Can anaemia cause heart flutters?

Yes anaemia can cause heart flutters (palpitations). The cause is usually due to the heart trying to compensate for low oxygen levels in the body. Anaemia is an abnormally low amount of haemoglobin in the blood, which is the part of blood which carries oxygen. Therefore, low haemoglobin levels lead to low oxygen levels. In response, the heart will often try to increase the amount of blood pumped around the body, to meet the body's demand for oxygen by beating faster. This can cause a high heart rate which can lead to palpitations or heart flutters.

Does low oxygen levels cause tingling feet and hands?

It can if you slept on them in a restrictive way.