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It depends... how old are you? And how long ago did you start?

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Q: Can i be pregnant i have't seen my periods for three months?
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If you are not having periods from last 3 months is there any chance of your's to get pregnant?

If you have not had your menstrual cycle in three months and this has not happened to you before and you are engaging in sexual intercourse, whether protected or not, there is a great chance you are pregnant.

If you had bleeding for three months then it stopped are you pregnant?

As in bleeding all the time for 3 months? You need to go and see the doctor. If you mean that you had your periods for 3 months (ie as normal, not lasting for 3 months) and then they didn't arrive on the fourth month, it depends on a few things: . Were those three months your first periods? . Have you had sex? . Is it a combination of both? If they were your first periods and you have NOT had sex, it is not anything to worry about. Periods take about a year (sometimes longer) to regulate If you have had sex, you need to take a pregnancy test If these were not your first three periods, take a pregnancy test if you've had sex and if not, see if you get your next period, and if not, go and see the doctor

You just had your implanon taking fast can you get pregnant if you had no periods during the three months you had it in and started bleeding lightly a week after you took it out?

You can get pregnant immediately after removal of the implant. Use another method if you don't want to be pregnant now.

Can you still get pregnant even after you had your full period?

yes my sister had baby and she was having regular periods for three months in fourth month she start having movement she went to the Doctor and found her self pregnant

How many months are you if you are 31 weeks pregnant?

7 months and three weeks

Why would you miss your period for three months?

Women may miss their periods for several months because they are undernourished, are engaging is very intensive physical activity of the sort experienced by athletes training for the Olympics, or are pregnant, among other causes.

Can you get pregNant three months into your pregnancy?

If your already pregnant and have sexual intercourse during anytime of your pregnancy you can not get pregnant.

What is the reason why you don't have my menstrual period for three months even if I'm not pregnant?

I have the same problem... they diagnosed it as polycystic ovarian syndrome. In order to regulate the periods they may put you on birth control.

When will you first sense that you're pregnant?

If you have irregular periods, the first sense that you have may be a flutter around three months. Not everyone has sore nipples, morning sickness or other tell tale signs.

How is your last period before you become pregnant?

i say yes you can, and the reason i say this is because i had three periods while i was pregnant with my son, as well did my mom while pregnant twith me.

Is it possible for a female to have three periods in less than two months?


What is the abnormal absence of menstrual periods for three or more months?

Secondary Amenorrhea