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Q: Can i be pregnant if i have an IUD and are leaking colostrum and havent had my period for 4 months?
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Im about 6 weeks pregnant is it normal to be leaking colostrum this early in pregnancy?

Yes, that is normal. Everyone starts leaking at different times in pregnancy. i was pregnant with twins and started at 5 months. but i think most people start about 7-8 months pregnant.

Could you be pregnant if you have your period but are leaking colostrum and you've been really tired for 3 months?

I have read medical books saying that you can get pregnant while having a period. So, I think you should test to ease your mind. I too have wondered the same thing, as I am leaking colostrum and tested negative.

Your husband had a vasectomy 1 year ago you are leaking colostrum and on your period with a lot of cramping what should you expect or can you still get pregnant?

Hello. Most vasectomys these days work and stop the man from being fertile, but there is occurances where the man continues to release sperm spontaneously and this causes unexpected pregnancies. Leaking colostrum is a indication of pregnancy but this usually happens when your 3-4 months pregnant. Most women realise their pregnant this far along but some women don't. Especially if you don't expect to be pregnant. Leaking colostrum is also caused by too much progesterone (female hormone) and this also causes leaking breasts similar to pregnancy. If its caused by progesterone, it isn't pregnancy related hun. I would see your doctor for a blood test. Good luck and please recommend me if I've helped you. :-)

Two months pregnant but you have no breast milk?

Colostrum is not produced until around the 24th week of pregnancy.

How long does a cow produce colostrum after calving?

I had my last period 1 1/2 months ago had a blood test done 2 weeks ago but my breasts are leaking colostrum. Am i pregnant? I stopped breastfeeding my second child October 2006, might it be due to this that the milk is just still working itself out

Im 5 months pregnant and leaking a lot of milk is this normal or should you talk to your midwife?

you can start producing it as early as 6 weeks its called Colostrum it is nothing to be worried about at all . It's a good thing means you will be well off when your baby gets here.

Currently you are pregnant three months and your breast leaking water?

I am pregnent three months and my breast leaking whenever its pressing or lying down like water no pain at all

Are you pregnant if you have a little leak from your nipples and can squeeze some out as well?

This is caused by progesterone. I have this myself and im not pregnant. It can be pregnancy related but you would be over 3 months pregnant if this was the case. Still see your doctor about this. Breast and nipple changes need to be examined. ACTUALLY, you can get Colostrum leaking from your breasts at 4wks. it is clear-ish and can be squeezed out if you try. Colostrum is produced to get your body ready for breastfeeding. If you want more answers google it, because the majority of answers from all kinds of sites might make you feel better.

How soon should breast milk begin to leak if you are pregnant?

All women are different. I didn't leak until after I started nursing. But I know women that had to wear breast pads during pregnancy. It's hard to say. I'm not sure what the "normal" time frame is every woman is different. And there it is hard to tell what is "normal" when it comes to pregnancy. I am 27 weeks pregnant and i have been leaking here and there for two weeks. To be honest, I am almost 8 months pregnant and I noticed that I began leaking as early as 5 months. Your milk won't come in until a few days after you have the baby, but your body begins producing colostrum at about 4 months. Some women can leak colostrum, or pre-milk, as early as that time, or some may not begin to leak until after they have the baby.

Is water leaking threatening 8 months pregnant?

It might. Call your doctor and ask. if you are leaking fluid the baby might not have enough inside.

Can you get pregnant if you have not had your period in 7 month's?

If you havent had your period in 7 months you probably need to go to the doctor, that is not normal.

I am almost eight months pregnant should I be worried that my breasts aren't producing milk?

Although most women experience some colostrum earlier in their pregnancy, it is also normal to get colostrum later. It just depends on your body. I would not worry unless you have no milk after baby is born. You may even have colostrum now, but it just needs to be expressed. Sometimes, it is hard for the colostrum to let down.