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Yes, there are ways to rid your hair of the THC or whatever drug you don't want. Products like HairRazor, All Clear or even Nexus Aloe Rid. These products are used to clean the chemicals out of your hair that the follicle test is looking for. Depending on what type of hair you have *(I.e.: Blonde, Red, Black) you may want to was your hair as many times as you can before the test to increase your odds of passing. Since some hair follicle are harder to penetrate than others. Hope this helps!

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Q: Can i beat a hair follicle test?
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How can I pass a hair follicle test and how long will it take for the test to be clean?

Hair Follicle drug testing is the most accurate, long term, and hard to beat, of all laboratory drug testing. As your hair grows, any chemical substances in your body also grow out with your hair. Other than shaving your head, there is no way to hide drugs in a hair follicle test.

Can alcohol effectively be washed from the hair for a follicle test?

Alcohol is not found in a hair follicle test.

Does schlumberger test for marijuana in its hair follicle test?

yes, I just went in for my preemployment drug screening and they administered both a urine and hair follicle test

Can hair follicle test prove paternity?

Yes it can. The hair follicle has nothing to do with it. The test involves DNA.

can trazodone test positive as cocaine in hair follicle test?

No Trazodone would not appear as cocaine in a hair follicle test.

How can you pass a hair follicle drug test for alcohol?

alcohol does not show up on a hair follicle drug test. :)

How do you pass a hair folical test?

its hair FOLLICLE test and you need hair razor.

Does Navistar make their interns submit to a hair follicle or urine drug test?

hair follicle.

Will hair dye cleanse your hair for a hair follicle test?

No, it won't.

Is it possible to beat a hair follicle test?

No, not really as it can detect up to 90 days, maybe longer depending on how often you use, also hair growth.

Does Weatherford International hair follicle test?

No, it is a urine test.