

Can i eat popcorn if i got braces?

Updated: 10/7/2023
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6y ago

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okay popcorn is a no no...but it really does nothing wrong, its just hard to clean them if you it. so i guess its a win & loose situtation, the orthodontist ppl just want to try 2 make as easy as possible for you...but thay arent making stop eating sugary gum and chewy candies

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Q: Can i eat popcorn if i got braces?
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No. But you still shouldn't eat popcorn if you have braces. Popcorn is dehydrated corn kernels put in a bag, later to be dehydrated even more to make it pop.

What can you do with braces?

It's more like, what CAN'T you do with braces. Let's see. Eat gum, eat popcorn, eat corn, drink soda, eat carrots. Although I do all of the above and I am perfectly fine.

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They won't hurt your braces.

What are good things to eat when you have braces?

I know not to eat popcorn and don't chew gum. Ask your Orthodontist about foods to avoid. Brush often.

What can not you do when you have braces?

You can't chew suggared gum or other chewy candy, eat popcorn, hard candy, or drink soda

Braces can i eat popcorn if i got my braces 2 days ago?

it is absolutely fine to eat popcorn with braces. I have them, and I know. I eat popcorn regularly. Just clean them really well after eating! Make sure to take extra time to brush and floss with braces. If you do not, this can result in white spots on your teeth, which are permanent. Care for your teeth regularly to make sure this doesn't happen.

How do you eat subway with braces?

I would eat each ingredient separately even though it wouldn't be as easy as eating the whole sandwich in a few big bites, but with braces you can't do that, so that is what I would do. At least you can eat smaller pieces and get the taste of it if you are desperate for certain foods. Stay away from melted cheeses though or toasting it, that will make the bread hard, just go with the normal untoasted bread so it is chewable.

What to eat after braces are gone?

just feed him what you did when he got them on and he will get used to his teeth agaim

Can you have popcorn if you have your expander in?

It depends if you have braces on yet. I have an expander right now, but I have bottom braces. There's not much of a problem with the expander and popcorn, unless you get an unpopped kernel up there, which is pretty tricky to get out. As long as you're careful not to let that happen, and you're extra-careful if you have braces, then yes, you should be able to have popcorn.

What food can damage your braces?

Gum, popcorn, and hard candy.

Do chips hurt if you just got braces?

Yes, my sister says so, she has braces and I have 3 braces on my back teeth. They do hurt to eat with braces the first week, but trust me, you'll get used to it. Hope this helps! :-)

What do I eat if I just got braces and my teeth still really hurt?

You can eat mashed vegetables, yogurt, milkshakes with fruits, pudding, and any other soft food. I have that same question, how long do I eat it for ? Usually if you just got braces they will hurt for a week or two but if you just got them tightened the pain will only last afew days