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first of all, if you are visiting that site you are very perverted.

that said, yes, you can get a virus if one of the videos have a virus embedded on it, or if the site itself is unclean

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Q: Can i get a computer virus from visiting the nude tube website?
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Where can you find nude or barely dressed 13 year-old girls on the internet?

Such pictures would be illegal under US law.

What five things should you never share with anyone on the computer?

Things that you should not share on a computer include your address, your credit or debit card numbers, your social security number, your phone numbers, your date of birth, and your full name. You don't want to share anything on a computer that compromises your security or personal safety. That even includes things that others can connect together to figure out things about you. You shouldn't even put your daily routine on social networking sites. For instance, you shouldn't tell your Facebook friends when you are planning on going to a dinner and a movie. If you share that, you are telling them they have about 3 good hours for burglarizing your house. If you are a minor, don't even tell your online friends your school mascot, your jersey number if you are on a team, your school colors, or anything like that. It is not hard to find out what schools in your state or city have what colors and what mascot, and then to use a sports uniform to find you. Also, you don't want to share any media which will either break the laws or embarrass you in some way. For instance, you don't want to share nude photos. They can be used to extort, harass, and cyberbully you, and if you are a minor, they may get you in trouble with the law. The law makes no distinction between ages when it comes to child pornographers, and thus a child can be considered a child pornographer, even if they produce the materials themselves.

Why to convert NFA to DFA?

It's a big question & needs a lot of things to say,but in general NFA contains nodes"states" related with some edges with the same value"coast" you've to overcome this point and make every edge at the same nude have diff. value EX: and I hope this link will help You: I hope I've helped a little ^_^' moreover we can answer like this: NFA contains different types of proliferations , that is it contains different copies of choices for a given input symbol, so there is a sort of non determinism which would produces problems in devices which are following the models like computers . The prliferation will not give any assurance about a solution, so in order to remove that prliferation and to remove the non-determinism we have to convert the given NFA to DFA which will yields a deterministic result moreover contains a single edge for single input