

Can i have gastric bypass surgery if I have diabetes?

Updated: 9/16/2019
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12y ago

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Yes, you can have the gastric surgery while having Diabetes. If you have gastric surgery while having diabetes, it can actually help to eliminate or cure diabetes. It is up to the patient/person though to decide whether or not they want to have the surgery.

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Q: Can i have gastric bypass surgery if I have diabetes?
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What are the dangers of getting gastric bypass surgery when having diabetes?

Having diabetes and getting gastric bypass surgery is no more risky than someone who doesn't have diabetes. The only additional risk is the aftercare of the surgery. Diet will have to be strictly monitored. Gastric bypass is good for diabetes patients. It is a proven way to help reverse type 2 diabetes.

Where can I learn more about diabetes and gastric bypass surgery?

Gastric bypass surgery can help diabetes go away. It makes you lose weight by limiting the amount of food your body intakes. Check out this site for more information.

Will gastric bypass cure my diabetes completely?

Gastric Bypass is not a cure for diabetes however in many cases this surgery has help reverse the effects of type 2 diabetes before the surgery takes place due to proper diet. Often Gastric Bypass does stimulate the pancreas to make more insulin natrually.

Can I have gastric bypass if I have diabetes?

Yes many cases have shown that when people with diabetes have the gastric bypass surgery it makes their pancreas produce more insulin natrully treating the diabetes but not always curing it.

Are there any websites that could help me find gastric bypass surgery and diabetes?

You should contact your local doctor to find out which is perfect for you. It varies on different people., you should find out if gastric bypass surgery is right for you.

Consider A Gastric Bypass For Diabetes?

A gastric bypass for diabetes has become one of the best options out there for treating obese diabetes patients for very good reason. Patients who undergo gastric bypass surgery for rapid weight loss while struggling with type two diabetes sometimes see the diabetes resolve completely. Whether or not diabetes is an issue, gastric bypass surgery should be considered with caution and a lot of input from your doctor. A gastric bypass can occasionally eliminate type two diabetes, but the procedure has many side effects and potential complications that could end up creating new issues later.

What do i need to know about gastric bypass surgery and diabetes?

Diabetes affects your options for weight loss as well as surgery. Consider your own health as well as whether your doctor recommends the gastric bypass surgery. You can obtain information about the way these two medical conditions interact online or from your physician.

Where can I found out about gatric bypass diabetes?

I believe you're referring to a surgery that is often called bariatric surgery, or gastric bypass. It is a surgery that requires a large portion of your stomach to be cut out to limit your caloric intake, so that you will lose weight. I believe consulting your doctor would be the best way to find out more about gastric bypass surgery as well as diabetes.

Can i have gastric bypass even though i have diabetes?

There is nothing online that says that you cannot have gastric bypass surgery if you have diabetes, and point of fact, because you already have a limited diet, this surgery may be easier on you than for others, but the surest bet is to ask you doctor about anything that concerns your body.

Where is there information on the Internet about dieting after gastric bypass surgery?

You can find information about dieting after gastric bypass surgery here: and

Where can I find out more about insurance coverage for gastric bypass?

Your insurance company can discuss insurance coverage for gastric bypass surgery with you. If you have a diagnosis of a weight-related disorder such as diabetes, coverage is common.

Benefits of Gastric Bypass on Diabetes?

Gastric bypass surgery has been proven to be very successful for obese patients with type 2 diabetes. Type 2 diabetes is frequently linked to obesity. Obese patients who have the gastric bypass surgery procedure are able to lose a large amount of weight very quickly and in a short amount of time. This often greatly reduces their need for insulin shots or other diabetic medication. Some patients are able to have their medication reduced while still in the hospital. Some patients are able to completely reverse their diabetes as a result of large weight loss following gastric bypass surgery procedures.