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No. That will cause more bleeding. Never do any action that relates to sucking after oral surgery. It will just promote more bleeding and slow the healing process.

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Yes, it's the best way to get rid of the horrible taste

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Q: Is it ok to chew gum after getting your wisdom teeth pulled?
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What can you eat while you are first getting your wisdom teeth?

Icecream, pudding, basically anything soft that you don't have to chew.

How long do you wait until the canine teeth can pulled out?

Forever... canine teeth should not be pulled out. You will not be able to chew meat well.

How long do you have to wait to chew tobacco after you have tour wisdom teeth pulled?

Wait till your mouth fully heals. Chewing tobacco contains fiberglass, wouldn't want fiberglass in your gums would you :)

Is bread ok to eat right after pulled wisdom teeth?

SURE YOU can eat anything after having a wisdom tooth pulled out. Naturally you may not want to chew with the side from which the tooth was pulled out. You can chew with the opposite side. Why restrict your diet to bread,? ON THE day of extraction it may be a good idea to avoid hot food and hot drinks It can precipitate bleeding

Can you eat limons after your wisdom teeth are extracted?

After wisdom teeth extraction it is important to avoid eating difficult to chew foods. Limons can be used, you can eat limon-flavored pudding, as it is not quite as sweet tasting.

Are wisdom teeth an example of human evolution taking place right now?

Wisdom teeth are vestigial organs, which are organs that have lost their original or primary function. Wisdom teeth were used when humans had a primarily vegetative diet and needed to chew through thick vegetation. Rather than an example of evolution taking place, wisdom teeth reveal the remains of evolution.

I had wisdom teeth pulled and the left side is healing well. It's been 5 days now and I still chew because on the right side there is a large piece of gum that gets in the way when I chew.?

I am truly sorry to hear about your fall, and hope you are on the mend. Hope to see you at the next one in two years.

Can you eat chocolate after wisdom teeth removal?

Provided it does not stay on the area where the tooth was and it is small and soft enough for you to chew, yes.

What is the important of wisdom tooth?

Anthropologists believe that wisdom teeth, or the third set of molars, were needed by our early ancestors whose diet of hard to chew foods like leaves, roots, nuts, and meat, required more chewing and caused excessive wear of the teeth. We don't need them now, as food is softer and much easier to chew.

Is it alright to have my 12 yr old cats teeth pulled she has a massive infection?

Yes a lot of older pets don't have teeth. Just make sure to feed it soft food as it can't chew without teeth

Why are wisdon teeth vesigial?

Because as humans started eating softer food smaller, less energetically dis-favorable jaws were selected for. Big jaws require big expensive muscle and that energy outlay could be used elsewhere to be reproductively successful. Wisdom teeth were needed back before cooking food made it easier to chew. So, a natural selection is a sloppy tinkerer that works with what material it has the Wisdom teeth were not selected against, but, increasingly has to be pulled. Some people died of erupting Wisdom teeth in the old days before proper dentistry. This is a vestigial structure: no longer used for it's original purpose. A very few people can accommodate Wisdom teeth, but most people need them extracted when they erupt.

If your retainer pulled your bottom jaw forward but now your back teeth don't touch making it hard to chew food is there anything you can do to make your teeth longer so they can touch?

Go back to the dentist.