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Q: Can i use a standard electric cooker in a caravan?
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Do electric cooker use electrical energy?

no,they don't

How is solar cooker different from a normal pressure cooker?

A solar cooker and a pressure cooker are two completely different ways of cooking. A pressure cooker can still use a heat source like a gas or electric cook top. A solar cooker is as the mercy of the heat of the sun and the contents will only cook as well as the amount of heat it obtains.

Can I use a pressure cooker on a portable electric burner or won't it have enough power?

Yes your pressure cooker will work on a portable electric burner. It's likely that it will take a little longer to warm up but once it gets heated up it will work fine.

Where is the fan clutch on a 1999 Dodge Sport Caravan?

It doesn't use a fan clutch. It has electric cooling fans.

What are the main uses for electric range cookers?

The main use for an electric range cooker is primarily to cook products for consumption. These cookers can be used to fry, boil and poach as well as bake.

How do you use an egg cooker poacher?

You use an egg cooker poacher to poach eggs. A good cooker will do all of the work. The most common recipe would be eggs benedict.

Can I use standard electric power supply copper wires in making a solenoid?

No, you need DC.

What are some household items that use light energy?

Appliances which uses electricity to produce heat are heater, oven, hair dryer, electric iron, bread toaster, electric cooker and other modified appliances.

What is the use of fruit cooker?

Cooking fruit.

What is the use of a rice cooker?

It cooks rice.

What is the uses of rice cooker?

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Can you use a slow cooker for rice?
