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Q: Can ideas be protected by patents and copyrights true or false?
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What kind of laws protect citizens from having their individual ideas ir work stolen?

Patents and copyrights protect a person's works and ideas. Copyrights basically are a claim on the idea/work you have created, so long as it hasn't been taken. However, you will want to file a patent because it is a bit more official and doesn't have a time limit, unlike the copyright. Neither copyright nor patents protect the idea. Copyrights protect the expression of the idea and patents protect the method or implementation of an idea or process. So the idea of a wizard school where young students learn about magic is not protected by copyright but the specific characters and features created by a specific author are protected. With patents it is similar. The idea of a water purifier cannot be patented. But a specific working method for purifying water can be patented.

Can ideas be protected by patents or copyrights?

No ideas are not necessarily under copyright law. If you publish it on the web, a book, and/or record it, the copyright is yours but the "idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery" you have described is free of any copyright. Some ideas can be protected to the limited extent that they are implemented in a patented invention. Other ideas are protected merely by keeping them secret.

Why does government protect inventors and authors by offering them patents and copyrights?

The government protects inventors and authors to promote innovation. It encourages creative people to invest time and effort in their ideas with the knowledge that they will not be cheated out of their rewards if it is successful.

If you join a company with an Intellectual Property agreement that needs to be signed how do you retain the rights to your own ideas that you had before joining?

The simplest and most effective way would be to register the copyrights or patents. Then stipulate in your agreement that you retain ownership to those registered works or inventions.

Ideas can protected by patents and copyrights?

No, you cannot patent an idea or concept. You can only patent an invention, which may be one way to USE the concept or idea. Copyright provides no protection at all for any "idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery..." 17 USC § 102(b). The best way to protect a raw idea (not yet an invention) is by keeping it confidential, such as a trade secret.

Can ideas be protected by patents and copyrights?

No, you cannot patent an idea or concept. You can only patent an invention, which may be one way to USE the concept or idea. Copyright provides no protection at all for any "idea, procedure, process, system, method of operation, concept, principle, or discovery..." 17 USC § 102(b). The best way to protect a raw idea (not yet an invention) is by keeping it confidential, such as a trade secret.

What is ideas put into action that can be protected under copyright laws?

Ideas that have been expressed in a tangible medium can be protected by copyright. Ideas for improving processes can be protected by patent law.

How do you prove yourself innovative?

Show examples of ideas you have had - especially those that came to fruition with their results. This could be solutions to problems or totally new ideas. If you have won any awards or prizes for innovation then you can list those. If you have had any ideas that resulted in patents (applications or granted patents), then list those.

Are names and ideas protected by copyright?

No, copyright does not protect names nor ideas.

How easy is it to get a copyright on your ideas material or design?

Ideas cannot be protected by copyright, only the expression of the ideas.

How do you sell a business idea?

Selling a mere idea is tough. Ideas by themselves have little value. The value is always in the implementation. This is why the Patent Office doesn't issue patents for mere ideas. Instead it issues patents for how an idea can be implemented. This includes both technology and processes.

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