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Q: Can increasing temperature cause internal resistance to increase in a battery?
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What happens to the internal energy of a system when work is done on it?

If the internal energy of the system increases the temperature will increase.

By what means can the internal energy of a system increase?

there are a number of ways: you could put that system into direct thermal contact with another system of a higher temperature, which would result in a conduction of heat energy from the higher energy system to the lower one. Or you could fire radiation at the system which the system absorbs and thus its internal energy is raised. I think you might increase the energy if you decrease the volume under pressure, because the temperature will increase and you will have done work on the system, hence increasing it internal energy. Like wise, if you spray a deodorant can, it comes out cold, because the compressed gas has done work on the atmosphere, and used up internal energy, hence it feels cold.

How can you transform electrical energy into thermal energy?

Yes, any time a current passes through a wire, part of the electricity will be converted into heat. This is used in a lightbulb (a small part of the heat then gets converted into light), in a shower, in an iron (for ironing your clothes), and others.AnswerThe term, 'thermal energy' is obsolete, having been replaced by the term, 'internal energy'. Yes, you can convert electrical energy into internal energy. That's what happens, for example, when you boil a kettle. The process of converting one form of energy into another is called 'work', so the kettle is doing work whenever it converts electrical energy into the water and increasing its internal energy. An increase in internal energy is accompanied by an increase in temperature. Whenever the temperature of the water exceeds the surrounding temperature, energy is lost to the surroundings through heat transfer. Heat is a process defined as energy in transit from a higher temperature to a lower temperature.

Is pressure cooker an example of the application of Charles' law?

yes pressure cooker is an example for both charles' law and boyle's. under constant volume temperature is directly proportional to pressure, where the pressure is directly proportional to temperature. so when the stove heats the cooker it increase the in the pressure which in turn increase the internal temprature and cooks the food faster....

Why does temperature of gas drops in an adiabatic process?

because in adiabatic process heat absorbed is zero. and the work is done by internal energy. so internal energy decreases.we know that temperature is directly related with internal energy

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By increasing surface area. So more can bind

What happens to the internal energy of a system when work is done on it?

If the internal energy of the system increases the temperature will increase.

When mechanical work is done on a system there is an increase in what?

both temperature and internal energy

What causes NO2 in internal combustion engines?

lean mixture..results to increase NO2,, increasing the fuel will reduce NO2 but increase carbon monoxide, so the EGR is developed to reduce NO2 without increasing the fuel in turn increasing the CO.

Why internal resistance of the battery decreases as temperature increases?

R is inversely related to temperature T so as temperature increases resistance decreases. Specifically, R increases if the T coefficient is pos.(P.T.C) And decreases if T coefficient is neg. (N.T.C) Most conductors have P.T.C and most insulators have (N.T.C) . xept. like carbon. 1 of few conductors that has a N.T.C. But all can be found on a tablet. R.T.C / R mil-foot ,R, millimeter-meter and R.T.C @ 68*F

Do meters usually have a high or low internal resistance?

It depends on the application. Voltmeters have a high internal resistance, while ammeters have a low internal resistance.

Is it desirable for a battery to have a high internal resistance?

No, it is desirable for a battery to have a low internal resistance.

What happens if you add more cells to a circuit?

If the cells are added in series, then the terminal voltage will increase, as would the internal resistance. If they are added in parallel, then the voltage would remain the same as for one cell, but the internal resistance would fall, and the available charge (in ampere hours) would increase.

What causes the internal resistance of a dry cell to increase as time passes by?

Corrosion- Oxidation specifically where molecules are deposited on conductive materials.

Define Internal Resistance?

The internal resistance of a device is the resistance in ohms of that device. It is the resistance electrons need to overcome before electricity is said to flow.

How many ohms does a 9v produce?

Question is not clear.Is question asking about the battery's internal resistance ?AnswerResistance is not affected by voltage. The resistance of a material depends upon the length, cross-sectional area, and resistivity of that material. As resistivity is affected by temperature, resistance is also indirectly affected by temperature.

Does eating mango increase internal body temperature?

no. source : Dr.Arjun .C . Raj research analyst